Additional time

Leaving football games early is one bizarre thing to do. It just doesn’t come into my way of thinking at all.

Already, the highest proportion of goals are scored between 76 minutes and the final whistle. If we are going to be getting more added time, that will just increase.

People leaving early miss so much. And at City people are off from about 76 minutes, regularly. Whether if it’s a big game and it’s level or one goal either way, or we’re 5-0 up against someone shite in the FAC3rd round, it doesn’t seem to matter to some.
It's sad because there are some that cannot go to matches due to their circumstances but others take advantage
Looking at todays games in the championship, extra time averaged around 9 minutes.
Will we now see a new era for early leavers?
Quite a few around us in the family stand leave on 75 mins.
With a whopping potential of now leaving 25 mins +or- before the end of the game!

Last one out turn off the lights!
Sod the early leavers. The correct amount of time being added on can be only good for us and bad for the c**ts that that don't actually want to play football, they just want to run the clock down.
I'm looking at you Everton!
Best one I saw was a Mackem a few years ago leaving the Etihad with about 15 mins to go when City were (from memory) 5-0 up.
He was draped in a banner which said "Keep the Faith". Made me chuckle anyway.
2011. Johnson scored our opener. Wonder if he had any admirers in the crowd?

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