Ade can leave apparently

I don't know what it is, but I cannot take to Adebayor. He is such a frustrating but good player, yet he strolls through games as though he doesn't give a shit.

I'm not asking him to track back or anything, just stay in and around the box, win a few knock downs, basically put your heart into it and do what you do best.... score goals.

He and Tevez don't link well, maybe they don't get on, but that's just my opinion.... perhaps if I watch back the video of last season, it might change my view, but as long as we got a great replacement, I wouldn't be too bothered if he left.
Rammy said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
You mean like against Blackburn, Pompey, Chelsea, Villa? Thats just off the top of my head

McFlab is a rag mate, don't waste your breath.
Tammy has Rag Tourettes, anyone who doesn't think a City player is the 2nd coming of Maradapelessi is a cloth!
Considering the number of articles which have stated that Mancini would let Ade move on, I'm beginning to think maybe the club do want rid of him...
BillyShears said:
Considering the number of articles which have stated that Mancini would let Ade move on, I'm beginning to think maybe the club do want rid of him...
No tears shed by me if he does go. On his day a class player but so frustrating to watch, you never know if he can be arsed turning up or not
Just depends on who we replace him with really. The problem with Ade is that when the chips are down and you really need him, he bottles it (spurs at home, arsenal vs rags in champs league a couple of seasons back). Then there's the way he stands with his hands on his hips whilst shaking his head when he doesn't get a decision from the ref or things like that

I quite like Ade but if we can get more reliable replacements then I wouldn't have an issue with him leaving
AntonDonJuan said:
BillyShears said:
Considering the number of articles which have stated that Mancini would let Ade move on, I'm beginning to think maybe the club do want rid of him...
No tears shed by me if he does go. On his day a class player but so frustrating to watch, you never know if he can be arsed turning up or not

Agreed although I do think we need to keep hold of him at least until the end of the window as he will be our most "up-to-speed" forward whilst Carlos and anyone else we sign get acclimatised/fit.

We will need him firing on all cylinders in first few games.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:44 am --<br /><br />
Neil McNab said:
Rammy said:
McFlab is a rag mate, don't waste your breath.
Tammy has Rag Tourettes, anyone who doesn't think a City player is the 2nd coming of Maradapelessi is a cloth!


You don't fool me McFlab, had your card marked for a good while.
Rammy said:
AntonDonJuan said:
No tears shed by me if he does go. On his day a class player but so frustrating to watch, you never know if he can be arsed turning up or not

Agreed although I do think we need to keep hold of him at least until the end of the window as he will be our most "up-to-speed" forward whilst Carlos and anyone else we sign get acclimatised/fit.

We will need him firing on all cylinders in first few games.

I think that's a bit harsh lads...Ade is someone who I think is certainly good enough to be in our squad. It also seems to be a bit of a high stakes gamble to ship him out and bring Dzeko or Balo as a sole replacement. The only way I'd want to let Ade go would be if we signed two of Dezko, Balo, and Torres. Especially as I can see RSC going as well...
BillyShears said:
I think that's a bit harsh lads...Ade is someone who I think is certainly good enough to be in our squad. It also seems to be a bit of a high stakes gamble to ship him out and bring Dzeko or Balo as a sole replacement. The only way I'd want to let Ade go would be if we signed two of Dezko, Balo, and Torres. Especially as I can see RSC going as well...
Yeah i wouldn't want him gone if we only brought Balo in but if you offerered my Dzeko and Balo for Ade going i'd take on it. You can't rely on him, you never know which Ade is going to turn up. The World Beater, or the "I can't be arsed so i'll just stand here with my hands on my hips and sulk"

Maybe it's a bit harsh considering what he went through last season, because in the first few games he was absolutely awesome, but he's very frustrating
I think we will see the Manu we saw at the start of last season, now weve sorted an attacking link from the middle
BillyShears said:
I think that's a bit harsh lads...Ade is someone who I think is certainly good enough to be in our squad. It also seems to be a bit of a high stakes gamble to ship him out and bring Dzeko or Balo as a sole replacement. The only way I'd want to let Ade go would be if we signed two of Dezko, Balo, and Torres. Especially as I can see RSC going as well...

Agree with the bit in bold, well, unless we can pull some other top striker out of the bag but that isn't looking likely. Defo need two quality strikers in if we're gonna let Ade go though

Bringing in Dzeko and/or Balo to replace Ade would be a gamble because we know Ade is a good premiership striker and there's no gurantees that Balo and Dzeko will be as effective in the prem as him. Saying that though, with Ade's unreliable nature he's a bit of a gamble himself anyway and to replace him with Dzeko and Balo who both seem supremely talented is a gamble that's probably worth taking IMO.

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