ade explains

cyberblue said:
He was in a 20 min Gun Battle 3 dead a few injured .Traumatised .Repatriated .Stuck in Front of a Camera I would not give a F*ck if he had a Scum Shirt on .Bet he was just glad to get out in one piece. Dont Apologise to any one ADE .Som eon hear should be apologising to you

That Cyberblue is one of the best posts I have ever read.

My head would be fucking spinning for god knows how long after a terrifying ordeal like that.
Graceyboy said:
IrishMacca said:
You know I spent a lot of my life up North, and a lot of those days were the bad days, and a lot of things happened all the time up there, and without going into detail, you've things happening that left shells of people where they used to stand, and you're never really the same after that. But rarely if ever was anyone thrown in front of the cameras the way this lad was.

It happens all around the world, it happens, it has happened and unfortunately it will keep happening.

They live in this bubble where professional football is so caught up in itself and the importance we think it holds, and they are protected and adored. Sheltered from the outside world.

The poor lad, all of them, experienced this horror, that brought this nice little comfy world of the professional football player crashing down into the real world, and he (along with everyone else there) is shoved in front of the cameras and asked to describe every detail and make sense of it all, why.. God knows, he's captain, he's the most popular player there so to speak, so we have the press treating it like a drama, making it tv. We've all seen the images of the players crying, we've all seen his interviews. Something that I'm sure he hated doing but someone had to do it.
But for me, he's upheld himself admirably. And should be praised for it.

No but instead we've 19 pages on what jersey he wore in an interview, we make this massive deal about what jersey he wore. I mean give the lad a break.
There really is the football world and the real world. And you read these posts and these topics and you wonder where the hell did it all become so blurred.

And these pointless topics just appear, one after the other, about the clothes he unprofessional and disrespectful that great must their lives be of the people who thought this, because believe me, that's the last thing this lad was thinking about. I mean you read topics like lets have a minutes laughter at the expense of United. Every second post almost is about poor old City being bullied by United fans all those years, and it's draining and embarasing to read the level of bitterness and revenge people would love, all because one team was more succesfull then the other. Because it's what everyone wants on here more than anything, I mean when did we become so pathetic. Have we nothing better to be concerned about or talk about instead of wasting or time whinging over every comment and dig we seem to love taking personally. Have we nothing at all better to do.
It seems to me that the only one who has screwed up priorities are us.

When you put all this crap that the forum is filled with, up next to what happened, it makes everything else quite ordinary and pointless and meaningless. Or at least it should. But no, instead you've Jim, Joe and John screaming from the rooftops about just how great it is that we have it, and how unfair it is, how discraceful and unprofessional it was to see Ade in that jersey, how he should get his priorities right..etc

What has this sport made of us all....


I posted my opinion on page one of this thread, Irish Macca has worded my sentiments perfectly

Im not sure if the second interview has been linked, but here it is

If people cannot forget the stupid shirtgate after watching this, they really need to go and do some sort of charity work in Africa or something to strip their lives back to the REAL WORLD, and see what actually really matters in this life.

City hold a big part of my life, but it comes second to my Wife, Children and Work. I do not hold a season ticket anymore since the family came along and my work commitments increased. This does not mean i have any less love for my team and I am in anyway less a fan/support of City than those who go home and away, I applaud all of those who are blessed, able and can afford to do so, its just other things ARE more important. Its the same in this Ade situation too.

City are NOT the be all and end all of this world

Ya..pity. It's the be all and end all at times. I always wondered if it wasn't so professional, if the game was amateur would the real world seem so far away and would the obsession be as hardline as it is. Maybe then all those trespasses of the real world, wouldn't seem so harsh. But I suppose it's an escape for some, and the obsession is needed a lot, even these days more then ever. For me it just says a lot. That when something like that happened, people still couldn't seperate the two, says a lot really.
I hope you're all proud of yourselves you bunch of shit stirring bitches. Because of you Adebayor has had to come on TV and explain himself over a ridiculously trvial thing during the hardest time of his life. You absolute tossers I'm ashamed to have you supporting the same club as me.
Chrispy said:
I hope you're all proud of yourselves you bunch of shit stirring bitches. Because of you Adebayor has had to come on TV and explain himself over a ridiculously trvial thing during the hardest time of his life. You absolute tossers I'm ashamed to have you supporting the same club as me.

Welcome to the board!

I look forward to the rest of your posts ;-)
blueinsa said:
Chrispy said:
I hope you're all proud of yourselves you bunch of shit stirring bitches. Because of you Adebayor has had to come on TV and explain himself over a ridiculously trvial thing during the hardest time of his life. You absolute tossers I'm ashamed to have you supporting the same club as me.

Welcome to the board!

I look forward to the rest of your posts ;-)

so do I but in my case I am not saying that with the sarcasm I think I infer from your comment; and whether he has made 4 or 4,000 posts he is absolutely spot on
BringBackSwales said:
blueinsa said:
Welcome to the board!

I look forward to the rest of your posts ;-)

so do I but in my case I am not saying that with the sarcasm I think I infer from your comment; and whether he has made 4 or 4,000 posts he is absolutely spot on

In your opinion of course?
blueinsa said:
BringBackSwales said:
so do I but in my case I am not saying that with the sarcasm I think I infer from your comment; and whether he has made 4 or 4,000 posts he is absolutely spot on

In your opinion of course?

He is spot on though

In that one post he has written something far more worthwhile than you have managed in 3110 to be fair. Pretty much everything you write is nonsense mate, thats why your opinion is worth about as much as Nani
Chrispy said:
I hope you're all proud of yourselves you bunch of shit stirring bitches. Because of you Adebayor has had to come on TV and explain himself over a ridiculously trvial thing during the hardest time of his life. You absolute tossers I'm ashamed to have you supporting the same club as me.

Tsk, insulting and abusing fellow human beings like that without paying due regard to their own personal circumstances, and trauma's.

Have you no compassion? Have you no shame? I'm ashamed to be a blue because of posts like this (copyright the bleeding hearts).
moomba said:
Chrispy said:
I hope you're all proud of yourselves you bunch of shit stirring bitches. Because of you Adebayor has had to come on TV and explain himself over a ridiculously trvial thing during the hardest time of his life. You absolute tossers I'm ashamed to have you supporting the same club as me.

Tsk, insulting and abusing fellow human beings like that without paying due regard to their own personal circumstances, and trauma's.

Have you no compassion? Have you no shame? I'm ashamed to be a blue because of posts like this (copyright the bleeding hearts).

I see you've joined the Troll Club. Keeping good company there...

One day it will strike you as to just how low you have sunk with your "bleeding heart" comments. You're a disgrace, but then, that's what you want to carry on. Andy.
BillyShears said:
moomba said:
Tsk, insulting and abusing fellow human beings like that without paying due regard to their own personal circumstances, and trauma's.

Have you no compassion? Have you no shame? I'm ashamed to be a blue because of posts like this (copyright the bleeding hearts).

I see you've joined the Troll Club. Keeping good company there...

One day it will strike you as to just how low you have sunk with your "bleeding heart" comments. You're a disgrace, but then, that's what you want to carry on. Andy.

Phew, it just didn't feel right posting when I hadn't received your permission.

Thats a weight off my shoulders.

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