Adebayor charged (Merged)


....for a 80 foot Toga/MC flag, half Toga colours/half Blue with a big fukoff outline of Ade sliding on his knees after scoring, goading those lame b’stards – I paid my cut for the Sheik Banner, but this one is where it’s at!! I’ve had it with these friggin soft Arse gooners, I live in North London and always regarded them as boring almost lifeless followers, at least the Yiddies have a bit of bite about them [thats as positive i can be!!] and i want to stand waving this mamouth beast outside Finsbury park, The Twelve Pins, singing “WE'VE GOT ADEBAYOR, YOUR MOTHERS ARE WHORES” – anyway feel a bit better now, can see this leading to strife, someone has got to make a Welcome to Manchester equivalent tee shit at least! :)
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

blueinsa said:
The FA, RPL, UEFA and FIFA are all as bent as fook and the bottem , line is that they are all scared as fuck that their own sky big 4 are in danger of being dismantled!

Never ever forget that the EPL is marketeted around the world by the sky big 4 and without them, the product would at this moment in time be worth a lot less without them and the powers that be know that full well.

What the fucking point is there in whinging and whining about the fucking double standards that they employ in their attempts at maintaining their own little money making racket.

Fuck the lot of them, take the bans as and when thay come, and believe me, they will come, the more we threaten them, and just go on to piss on their little party when it matters.

You know i moved to RSA in 2007 and leaving my life of home and away City hurt so much but to be honest, the way that the fucking wankers are running our game at the moment to protect their little Cartel, is making me so fucking sick, that im kinda glad im not there, paying my hard earned money to watch, what is in effect, a fucking stich up!

Fuck the lot of them guys, sky, the other fans, any fucking nomark who thinks its his right to comment and lets just get on with winning games and going about our business.

Thats if, the powers that be, will aloow us the level playind field of doing so?

Sorry if its a bit gobbledogook,but im pissed and rather fucking pissed off at the moment.

Oh and lets not forgrt....we fucking beat the Arseanal 4-2 on Saturday, or will they change their rules for that as well?

my sentiments exactly mate, fuck 'em all.
Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

maximus7 said:
Lets not get on his back when he returns to action ffs.

He will be scoring against us next and running the length of the pitch.

Yes, he has probably cost us the derby as we needed height and power up front.


Its a long season and he may well come through as a complete hero - here`s hoping

Nobody will be getting on his back. Ade is a fucking legend already.

If anything this has increased our siege mentality.
Re: Van Persie and Arsenal - again !

Jocks Y-Fronts said:
RSC - will he EVER play.

Relax. Hughes is resting him to make sure he's fit for the 2010/11 season.

I still can't believe we paid £20m for a £10m player with a broken leg. But hey ho - Hughes knows best.

I've been slagged off for daring to say this in the past, no doubt I will be again.
Re: ade deserves a ban

feedthegoat2007 said:
sorry,but the lad deserves a ban,when he ran the length of the pitch to antagonise the arsenal fans a steward or a police officer or even a child could of been seriously injured and rather than defending his actions the club should discipline him as well,fortunately no one was seriously injured but what he did was idiotic.

You pal, epitomise the fan that seems to know his place in the grand scheme that is the so called sky big 4!

As someone on 2 board warnings i would like to say this....

Re: Breaking News. Adebayor charged with ...

maximus7 said:
Lets not get on his back when he returns to action ffs.

He will be scoring against us next and running the length of the pitch.

Yes, he has probably cost us the derby as we needed height and power up front.


Its a long season and he may well come through as a complete hero - here`s hoping

Re: Van Persie and Arsenal - again !

Chippy_boy said:
Jocks Y-Fronts said:
RSC - will he EVER play.

Relax. Hughes is resting him to make sure he's fit for the 2010/11 season.

I still can't believe we paid £20m for a £10m player with a broken leg. But hey ho - Hughes knows best.

I've been slagged off for daring to say this in the past, no doubt I will be again.

Yeah but to be fair to Hughes we have won the domestic treble.

(Quite easy to argue if you can just make stuff up)
Re: Congratulations Arsenal.

Goater666 said:

You do know he'll only receive a fine for celebrating in front of the arse fans?

The ban will be for that disgraceful challenge on RvP, whether or not RvP deserved it is irrelevant, it was fucking shocking.

If the boot was on the other foot, for example Rooney raked Ireland and Sweep, id be asking the FA to hand out a similar ban.

My beef is with the FA and the inconsistency with this retrospective punishment, sometimes they do it sometime they don't.

But we know that if shrek raked ireland or sweep fook all would happen thats whats pissing people off.

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