Adebayor charged (Merged)

Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Bluemoon115 said:
Depends which hundred people he asked.

If he asked a hundred arsehole fans from the front of the away end on Sat they would say "Racist bile, rant ,spit, elephants, froth, kill, die, maim, F*ck, sh!t, w4nker" but he couldnt ask them as he probably couldnt see them ;o)
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Of course what Wenger says is bullshit and hypocritical, but the reason he is getting so upset is because he has now realised that we are a serious threat to Arsenal's status within the top 4 cartel. If Ade gets banned for a few games then it has a negative impact on City's ability to win games, which is good for Arsenal if we are both fighting for CL places. He is also playing mind games with Hughes, and he only does that when threatened, so really we could see his whinging as a big positive because it means we are making big progress as a team and a club.

All football managers talk bollocks to advantage their own side. I guess that when they are paid c£3m per annum then they just have to do it. The only manager who didn't engage in all this bullshit was Pearce, which he should be respected for, but it didn't help him achieve success.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

RochBlue said:
This is just a smoke screen to deflect the fact that the mighty Arsenal were beaten 4-2 and are down to win nothing this year.

Spot on.That's waht all this has been about.Wenger knows without some serious money his pretty little team of cry-babies are going nowhere.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
robbieh said:
In the Times Wenger states that 99 people out of a hundred could see it was a deliberate 'stamp' and the other is Mark Hughes.

I think Arsenal and Wenger should be careful here. Wenger has lots of previous when it comes to not seeing his players misdemeanours.

And it surely won't be long before one his players commits a petulant kick out at someone. Given the uproar over Adebayor it is highly likely the FA will feel they have to be even handed and Arsenal will then lose a player for three games.

What goes around WILL come around.

The FA even-handed? We'll be triple Euro champs before that day dawns.

So, in four seasons time then? ;)
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

tamworthblue said:
de niro said:
he has certainly derailed our progress for a week or so.

Yes, and if out for a few weeks will he still be 'on a roll'? TBH i'd be a bit pissed off if I was Hughes.

Sorry mate I have to disagree, ABC (Anybody but City) fans and supporters are out to get us whether it is Ade, Tevez, Barry, Lescott, Robinho or MH on ABC agenda. We are target du jour. So what happens if Toffees comes to town, or Villans or Tevez goes to the swamp.

The real culprits are to quote

blue1969 said:
I had the displeasure of standing within ear shot of the arseholes on Sat in 111, 50% didnt turn up to support Arsenal they turned up to abuse Ade. I havent heard shit like that since the 80s hence the Bananas that were thrown. They got what they deserved.
As for the "stamp", RVP could of caused Ade serious injury.

Ade is the aggreived party. For the last 18 months he has been rigorously hacked (by some gooner fans and a few Arse players and the Media) rejected, insulted, abused and now to be banned/suspended. This is a travesty of justice. To censure and penalize him is to PANDER to MOB and UNCIVILZED behaviour. It will be BEYOND THE PALE.

IMHO, the rabid Hooligan elements in the Gooners should be identified by the Authorities and book for their violent and ungentlemanly thuggish behaviour. Their vitriolic conduct at COMS from the minute they arrived is disgraceful and goes beyond what should be acceptable CIVILIZED behaviour.

They should be, minimally, re-educated and taught what GAMESMANSHIP is all about instead of behaving like a bunch of Juvenile Hooligans.

If the jilted Arsenal fans want to dish out they have to swallow the comeuppance dished out to them. To react vehemently that goes beyond acceptable human behaviour, for an epic Burton-Taylor divorce is saying its OK for Burton to throw the kitchen sink at Taylor i.e. ok to publicly abused an ex-player whether with racial epithets or calling his mother a whore. I say to them grow up and have a drink with the dish that is being served to them.

The road to Top 4 will be fraught with squalls and storms and if we think we had smooth sailing forget it. We need non-fairweather fans onboard to reach out Port of Call. My apologies for its IMHO. This is one that we have to overcome and should be solidly 100% behind Ade in our endeavour to fight against this partisan FA charges. How we respond to this adversity, persecution and travesty of justice will not only sent a message to our adversaries but to our new Citizens (Tevez, Kolo, Lescott, Barry, de jong, Robinho etc) and future recruits.

Thats its OK for our players to be racially abused with APE chants and symbolic objects thrown, father-mother called a WHORE, and Career-Injuring Reckless Challenges. NO!

Remember every player, including Ade, has an inalienable right to protect himself,from career-injury reckless tackles or challenges with studs up, with whatever evasive actions albeit maybe perceive wrongly otherwise.

To deny Ade this and the benefit of doubt about his mistimed kick and charge him with violent conduct (where the referee insitu, in his line of sight, deemed it not so) is a gross travesty of justice. That we are not truly serious about stamping out racism and racial violence in football.

Finnally, who would you believe?
Did Ade offer an apology to RVP and the gunner fans and the injured steward. Was he contrite or remorseful about his actions.
Did RVP apologise to Citizens for his foul-mouthed epithets at City's fans after he score?
Did he claim innocence about his studs up 2-legged lunge. No apologies?

If we are to punish Ade we are rewarding the real culprits (the real goons and the wuss RVP).
Is that the message we want to send to the rest of the world? Can we take the high moral ground if we continue to ignore the hypocrisies that spewing or swirling out of our arses.

P.S. In a separate post here I have explained why video evidence can sometimes be misleading in showing intent in the right context. Dudu's ban was rescinded because EUFA cannot ascertain Dudu intention. It was not because there was contact. IMHO.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Fair enough - Emmanuel has been a bit of a naughty boy. I enjoyed his goal celebration. Wonderful theatre !

Arsene is clearly a troubled man and as such should be treated with compassion and a little understanding.
He is clearly a very old gentleman and is obviously very well educated and, dare I say, a man of vision.

OK - only joking on the last bits.
He is clearly a clown.
Mark is impeccable - just like the rest of us !!
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Wenger didn't think Eduardo dove.............. are there such things as rose tinted binoculars!
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

The man is a fool, every week he never can see what 99% of us have seen. Then those Gooners come on the radio stating the same crap that he has come out with.

I hate them.

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