Adebayor charged (Merged)

Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

robbieh said:
In the Times Wenger states that 99 people out of a hundred could see it was a deliberate 'stamp' and the other is Mark Hughes.

I think Arsenal and Wenger should be careful here. Wenger has lots of previous when it comes to not seeing his players misdemeanours.

And it surely won't be long before one his players commits a petulant kick out at someone. Given the uproar over Adebayor it is highly likely the FA will feel they have to be even handed and Arsenal will then lose a player for three games.

What goes around WILL come around.

I wouldnt bank on it
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

ITs easy - when they are interviewing the managers they should have a tv screen then and say 'Arshole Wenger, could you please tell us you thoughts on THIS incident' and play it for them live in the interview.

Prob solved.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Here is what Arsenal had to say about the Eduardo ban being overturned.

Arsenal made a statement of their own, which read: 'We are grateful that the appeal body focused on the evidence and made the right decision in this case.
'We were able to show that there was contact between the goalkeeper and Eduardo and that the decision of the UEFA disciplinary body should be annulled.

99 out of a 100 people disagree...there wasnt any contact whatsoever..
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

robbieh said:
In the Times Wenger states that 99 people out of a hundred could see it was a deliberate 'stamp' and the other is Mark Hughes.

I think Arsenal and Wenger should be careful here. Wenger has lots of previous when it comes to not seeing his players misdemeanours.

And it surely won't be long before one his players commits a petulant kick out at someone. Given the uproar over Adebayor it is highly likely the FA will feel they have to be even handed and Arsenal will then lose a player for three games.

What goes around WILL come around.

The FA even-handed? We'll be triple Euro champs before that day dawns.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

if the only one of 100 is Hughes
i'll say Hughes is right
i like this man more and more :D
portisheadblue said:
Like others .. I went on to the FA web site ... registerede as a FAN ... then sent the following email
Dear Sirs,

I wish to complain in the strongest way possible about the conduct of Arsenal FC, one of their players and some of their supporters during their defeat at Manchester City.

I also wish to complain that you have done nothing about any of the above in your statements today reagrding other matters arising from that same game.

Some of the Arsenal fans were clearly seen and heard making racist and inflammatory comments towards the City player Adebayor. They are also seen clearly throwing items including bananas and a plastic chair on to the pitch and directed towards the mentioned Adebayor. This conduct is reprehensible and unexcusable and can not be swept under the carpet by yourselves if your Respect campaign is to be honoured in any way.

The Arsenal player Robin nan Persie was clearly seen by those present and millions of others watching on TV to launch a dangerous two-footed studs up tackle on Adebayor with the clear intent of causing serious injury. That your referee could apparently confirm he saw the incident and deemed no action to be necessary is risible. If Adebayor had not leapt inot the air to get away from the tackle he may have suffered a career threatening injury. You must investigate this with vigor and charge Van Persie with violent conduct.

The Arsenal Football Club carried an outrageous, biased and seriously prejudicial article published on Saturday night authored by Van Persie in which he mischievoulsy and libellously accuses Adebayor of unproven and unproveable actions. You should investigate these actions by Arsenal as potentially damaging to the disciplinary processes that you over see.

Your failure to address these points will create cause for further complaint , this time against yourselves, as you will be demonstrating and executing partilaity in your treatment of matters arising from football whereas you are charged with acting in an impartial manner at all times.

Please confirm receipt of this letter and reply urgently as to the actions you are taking against the Arsenal parties mentioned above.

Regards ________________________________
and as you can see I forgot to metion RVP assaulting the City fans

Well done mate. Cogently expressed.
Re: Wenger accuses Hughes

This is Wenger's way of keeping pressure on the F.A. to ban Adebayor, this was started with Van Persie's pathetic rant on their website and has snowballed from their. That statement in my opinion was written by the club and put in the players name for maximum effect and it worked. With the weight of the press behind them expect at least four games on the sidelines for him.

We will have to get used to this type of crap from the likes of Wenger, Ferguson and probably Benitez, this is what comes of becoming a real threat to them now.
mike20ge said:
Just watched Champs league highlights. After UEFA initially charging Eduardo, and then letting him off, I think they could do the same to Ade.

The challenge in the Milan game was absolutely horrendous (2 footed off the ground) - he didnt even get booked. Will uefa now charge him - I doubt it.

The FA and UEFA must now charge everyone who has comitted a fould in the ref's vision if he didnt punish it. Are they going to do that - I doubt it.

Leave it to the ref to decide . OK if its off the ball and out of the ref's sight then punish it, but I think this is setting a dangerous precident.

Exactly. It will set of a dangerous precedent. Every referees' decisions or non-decisions in the referee's line of sight will then be revisited and subjected to a final authority in this case FA. Is that what we want?

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