Adebayor (merged)

The power of Paul said:
Adebayor!! i really hope not, has sparky lost the plot!

That comment startled my girlfriends pussy !!!!!

FFS when did we become so arrogant. 18 months ago we were all excited over the signing of Benjani, now Adebayor isn't good enough. Good enough to lead the Arsenal line, good enough to be liked with a 25mil move to AC and Real, but not good enough for Man City. Some "fans" we've got.
Re: Adebayor!

TFC said:
Rushton121 said:
would have him any day but makes signing santa cruz pointless

Daft statement mate, its a squad game these days, the more class we have in the squad, the better chance we have of success.

not really a daft statement....i'd just rather we didnt go spending £18 million on "squad" players.
Same here CTID, I cannot believe some people on here are actually dissing him before he kicked a ball for us.
C_T_I_D said:
I'm actually physically shaking my head in disgust @ some of our fans. The money has really gone to some of our fans heads. The ones who do not want him and are saying he is shite are the same ones who would be singing his praises from the rooftops if he joined us and was an amazing success. "Always backed him me!" would be the claim and I can hear it now.

It's fine to have your doubts but what is not fine is to say that he is not good enough for us when he is quite clearly a significant improvement on our current strikers.

Who says he isn't good enough and can you shake your head without physically doing it? I thought it was the only way of doing it unless you can mentally do it.
Ade is very talented but inconsistent in some games with effort.Honestly I can see where people are coming from here..I like him but I'd take a fit Santa Cruz over him in terms of fitting into our system.
ANYBODY saying we shouldnt get ade are simply clueless! He is a great premier league striker and a step up in class from what forwards we have.
avoidconfusion said:
Same here CTID, I cannot believe some people on here are actually dissing him before he kicked a ball for us.

I don't understand why you're boht so surprised. We have a significant number of people who turn up and don't support the team, preferring to shout abuse at individual players e.g. Vassell, Benjani, Jo. Same players then score and the same people are jumping up and down celebrating. Morons.

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