Adebayor (merged)

Just a question - do you think you'll pay with 4-3-3 or are you planning on playing 4-2-4 and just outscore any team that you come accross? :)
Bergkamp said:
Just a question - do you think you'll pay with 4-3-3 or are you planning on playing 4-2-4 and just outscore any team that you come accross? :)
We're gonna go for a revolutionary 2-2-6 formation.
4-3-3, don't believe the hype, we've got a nicely balanced side now barry is on board.

it's a bit like asking if arsenal will play rosicky, walcott, nasri, van persie, bendtner and arshavin every game.
I was suggesting a 2-5-3 recently, that's how we'd get the best quality in the squad at the moment, because our defense is shit. The backline needs some serious mending... I'd be really disappointed if we started the season with the same back four as last year..
25m is a great deal for us! but as Bergkamp said if you can get him to play its a good signing, Just worried by the money you are paying him!!

It seems the more money he gets paid the less commited he will be
Bergkamp said:
svennis pennis said:
Nice post mate, You've basically said what my best mate had to say about Adebayor, he is an Arsenal regular and rates him highly, when he is motivated. Who is the best mate you speak of?

Ive always liked Arsenal and would be sad if its your place in the top 4 we potentially take. Id much rather punt any of the other 3 out of those positions.

Yeah I know that but I'm quietly confident that it won't be us.

Last year Pool did alright but look how poor the rest of the league were playing?

Manure have lost 60 goals a season
Chavs can't buy anyone and they are a very OLD team now
Pool will never sustain a title challenge 2 seasons in a row and with Alonso gone, they'll be nullified again.

Whereas us; we had a p*ss poor first half of the season and if we can just keep the form of the second half of the season going into the new season - then I have no worries! :)

I'll echo what Svennis said, I always say if any of the big four had to win the title I'd rather it was Arsenal. Even if your manager can be bitter about us sometimes ;P

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