Adebayor (merged)

*singingtheblues* said:
Project said:
If Hughes can get a work ethic out of Elano, I say it's a done thing he can do the same with Adebayor

Personally I don't think he got anything out of Elano - that was the problem.

Any hard work, or graft on Elano's part was put in on the grim realisation that he was never getting first team football, due to petty disputes and the poor man-management of our stubborn manager - and that's why he won't be wearing sky blue in August.


Two massive challenges for Hughes this season- getting the best out of the players, and perhaps the biggest "problem"................keeping all the squad happy. I dare say the likes of Bojinov and Bellamy arent too keen on RSC, Adebayor and Tevez coming in, how is Hughes going to appease them?
*singingtheblues* said:
Project said:
If Hughes can get a work ethic out of Elano, I say it's a done thing he can do the same with Adebayor

Personally I don't think he got anything out of Elano - that was the problem.

Any hard work, or graft on Elano's part was put in on the grim realisation that he was never getting first team football, due to petty disputes and the poor man-management of our stubborn manager - and that's why he won't be wearing sky blue in August.

To be fair. Ade never felt like he had any competition at Arsenal - so I think at Man City he will HAVE to try to get his first team place which means you may not have issues with effort anyway...

Unless you're lumbered with a guy who'll just be happy collection money and not playing football which is unlikely to be fair.
Bergkamp said:
Arsenal_dj said:
25m is a great deal for us! but as Bergkamp said if you can get him to play its a good signing, Just worried by the money you are paying him!!

It seems the more money he gets paid the less commited he will be

£25m is a fantastic deal for City and it just shows Arsene sticking to his morals again and not ripping City off.

His starts to goal ratio over the last 2 years is better than any striker in the league and almost on par with Torres. If he put effort in last season (which he didn't because he was p*ssed at the fans more than anything) then he would've had a better overall starts/goals ratio than Torres.

Can you think of any other striker in the premier league who would've come for 25million ?

What are your honest thoughts on the deal? his form last year overall (goals aside) was terrible, once he signed that new contract he was never the same player!
I'm delighted if we get a player of this quality because it was one of my fathers wishes (R.I.P) to see him in a blue shirt. I remember him being in absolute awe of him at the time and now I'm just glad it's coming true.

He'll have his critics but if we can get him playing (like so many said about Anelka over the years) then we've got one hell of a striker on our hands and potentially the best lone forward in the world. I think it'd be the same reaction with Bellamy, he'd have his doubters when he comes but he'd be detirmined to become a fans favourite and establish himself and have a good relationship with us.

If he comes, back him 100% because I think he's very much of a confidence player and after the poor treatment he received from the Arsenal fans then he'll need it boosting. Come on Ade lad, we'll look after you. Come and join one of the most exciting projects in world football currently (Real Madrid aside I reckon).

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