Adebayor (Merged)

rastus said:
Dubai Blue said:
I know, it's never nice finding out that one of our players is a bit of a dick. Reminds me of the whole "Santa Claus" realisation all over again.

thats a cuntish response given the circumstances
Not really. He's a foreign professional footballer who couldn't give a shit what his fans think about him. Shock horror.

It neither surprises me nor particularly upsets me. I came to terms with it a long time ago.

I get that the guy's upset and rightly so. I wish him well and hope he comes to terms with whats happened in his own way and time.

Now thats out the way.... what an plonker. I can not believe the disrespect he is showing by wearing that shirt. You can all go on about how upset he is, i get it, i really do but he cant be excused for me.

1. Why would you wake up and think to put that on knowing the circs in what youve left that club and the events that endeared him to us??
2. Or why would you keep it on knowing you were about to be interviewed shortly (its not as though he was caught out on the street with it on ect)

My only excuse for him could be is that he really has no idea what football means to the fans that support him and honestly doesnt see the problem. I think thats BS.

Due to his current situation this will be brushed under the carpet and he will be forgiven as being upset, however that doesnt take away from the fact that yet again when we are finally starting to get ahead in the game, another idiot (cook take note) pulls us down and makes up a laughing stock again.

I'll probably get slagged off for my comments but answer this in your arguments.... "do you believe, in the same circumstances Ades in, Bellamy or any other of our squad would have made this mistake? I think not.

Just to reiterate... all the best Adey but you really disappointed those singing your name in your absence last night.
dont know if it's been posted or not but here's the pic :

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
pee dubya said:
mackenzie said:
This thread has made me feel a bit sick.

Pretty much sums up my feelings too.

People on here posted their disgust at some posts on other teams forums just after the shootings, because there are things more important than football. Now he's pictured a couple of days after wearing a polo-shirt with the wrong badge on and he's receiving pelters from his club's fans.

Ade is employee of the club, his whole life does not revolve around Man City, if you'd just spent half an hour getting shot at and watched as your friends get wounded and killed, how much would you be thinking about your job?

Listen if it had been a rag top your stance would change, just because it was arsenal doesn't mean it's any less of a problem.

I don't buy all that shit about what has gone on, yes it is shocking and yes it's something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and it would probably haunt me forever but still doesn't mean i would be stupid enough to wear an arsenal top whilst playing for another club, it wasn't the only top available to him.
Immaculate Pasta said:
TFC said:
Has anyone considered that the rabid hatred of all things 'not City' may not translate to the players? If he hadnt practically grown up playing for the fookers, I might care more, but he did, so I dont.

Give the lad a break FFS.

Grew up playing for them? He joined them at 11 and fucked off at 25. That's a pathetic exucse mate.

He signed in january 2006 from monaco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Grew up playing for them? He joined them at 11 and fucked off at 25. That's a pathetic exucse mate.

He signed in january 2006 from monaco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typo, i meant 22.
pee dubya said:
mackenzie said:
This thread has made me feel a bit sick.

Pretty much sums up my feelings too.

People on here posted their disgust at some posts on other teams forums just after the shootings, because there are things more important than football. Now he's pictured a couple of days after wearing a polo-shirt with the wrong badge on and he's receiving pelters from his club's fans.

Ade is employee of the club, his whole life does not revolve around Man City, if you'd just spent half an hour getting shot at and watched as your friends get wounded and killed, how much would you be thinking about your job?

Seen as he was talking in a TV interview about his "job" then I'd say it was in his thoughts a lot. I like Ade but the Arsenal top was a big no no regardless of what he has been through. Dont forget he was quick to jump on the box and say they were going to leave and go home and now wants to return to carry on as planned? He was well aware of what he had on for the interview. Like I say, very sad what has happened but at the end of the day he was representing City in that interview, as a footballer he is paid 365days a year so represents us as such, 24/7.
this is pretty much unprecedented as far as my memory allows. if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes, i'd have thought it was just a story (like the old one about kinkladze at the gym wearing a un!ted shirt).

it's unforgiveable as far as i'm concerned. trauma is no excuse. it's akin to remarrying and putting up photographs of the ex.
rickmcfc said:
Lets just get a few things straight here. Adebayor is under contract with Manchester City. Manchester City pay his wages, probably in the region of £160,000 per week. He left Arsenal with a lot of bad water under the bridge, fair enough, it happens. He joins city, plays brilliant for a while and then scores against his old club and runs the length of the pitch to celebrate, i have no problem with this. From that game on, he has looked a shambles. Constantly not giving any effort in games, no passion, no commitment, for the whole bolton away game, he did not jump for 1 header ffs! Then he decides to swan off to the ACON for 1 month, again, we will be topping up his bank balance during these 4 weeks to the tune of around £160,000 per week. By the time the competition is over, he will have earned from Manchester city £640,000 without even being in the country or playing a game for us. Taking into account what he has been through in the past 5 days must be hard, very hard indeed. Every city fan has shown him and togo the upmost respect during this difficult time. So when sky interview him, im sure it will not have been a spur of the moment thing, he will have had some time to prepare for this, is it really to fucking difficult to wear a top that doesnt have the emblem of your previous club on, the club you left with a lot of words exchanged, the club YOU ran the length of the pitch to celebrte infront of there fans? All of this bollocks about "he hasnt been home since he signed for us so he wont have any other clothes" he is paid an astronomical amount of money every week, if this was the case about having no other clothes, could someone not have gone and bought him a top ffs!!! if he doesnt ever play for us again, i am honestly not bothered. However, if you were to read this adebayor, do the right fucking thing. get your head sorted out, there was something up before you left fot the ACON, get yourself prepared for a hard fight for the rest of the season, put the effort, passion and commitment the other players in the squad have shown recently, explain why you are wearing an arsenal top and start performng like you should be. If you dont agree with this, then simple, do not come back.
Too long, but get your drift

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