Adebayor (Merged)

Immaculate Pasta said:
Never mind why he was wearing it, why did he have it in the first place. Why is he taking one over with him to Africa when he hasn't been involved with that club since July.

Always thought he was a knob when he was at Arsenal and even though he is a City player and i'll support him while he wears the shirt, he's still a fucking knob.

Yeah your right probably the only time since he signed for monaco that he gone back to togo, he prob has more football gear from old teams than all of us here collectivly have clothes. It would be scattered all over the place, im sure he didnt neatly pack his bag with arsenal stuff before he flew out to angola!!
Dubai Blue said:
mackenzie said:
This thread has made me feel a bit sick.
I know, it's never nice finding out that one of our players is a bit of a dick. Reminds me of the whole "Santa Claus" realisation all over again.

thats a cuntish response given the circumstances
mackenzie said:
This thread has made me feel a bit sick.

Pretty much sums up my feelings too.

People on here posted their disgust at some posts on other teams forums just after the shootings, because there are things more important than football. Now he's pictured a couple of days after wearing a polo-shirt with the wrong badge on and he's receiving pelters from his club's fans.

Ade is employee of the club, his whole life does not revolve around Man City, if you'd just spent half an hour getting shot at and watched as your friends get wounded and killed, how much would you be thinking about your job?
Whats really fucking me off is the fact everyone jumped down Cook's throat when he said "Manchester United" when inducting Rosler into the hall of fame but this is ok? How is that right in any way, shape or form? Why does the fact he was involved in a shooting (not unusual in that part of the word, none the less sad though) excuse the fact he has disrespected us as fans and us as a club that pay his wage by wearing an Arsenal shirt live on TV?
To all the people willing to forgive Adebayor for wearing an Arsenal shirt because he is upset and confused over the deaths of his team mates, I want to tell you a story.........
I went shopping with my parents in Belfast on Friday 21st July 1972 . That day the IRA exploded 22 bombs within a small area of the city centre killing 9 people and injuring 130 . I will never the forget the fear as we ran through the streets trying to get away from one blast only to run into another one on another street.
At the end of that day I may have been battered, bruised and confused having seen things no child should see , but we knew who we were, where our loyalties lay and who was the fucking enemy. I would never and will never wear or touch a fucking Celtic shirt . My colours are blue in City and blue in Rangers.
However, Adebayor doesn't know who he is or what he stands for .One minute he is complaining about how the Arsenal fans were 'nasty to me ' ( boo hoo), stamping on one of their players, and the next minute he is pulling on one of their shirts to do an interview . I for one , hopefully with a load of other City fans, will give him so much shit when he next plays for us that he will be sprinting down the M6 to get out of Manchester .
He only plays when he feels like it and is an idle waste of money.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
Never mind why he was wearing it, why did he have it in the first place. Why is he taking one over with him to Africa when he hasn't been involved with that club since July.

Always thought he was a knob when he was at Arsenal and even though he is a City player and i'll support him while he wears the shirt, he's still a fucking knob.

Yeah your right probably the only time since he signed for monaco that he gone back to togo, he prob has more football gear from old teams than all of us here collectivly have clothes. It would be scattered all over the place, im sure he didnt neatly pack his bag with arsenal stuff before he flew out to angola!!

and i'm sure the only top available was an arsenal polo shirt.
As an Arsenal fan I fail to see the problem? He probably just had it in his home/luggage (quite why he would have it in his luggage is a question). He would understandably still be shaken and upset by the rather tragic deaths that happened right in front of him and club politics probably played little on his mind. He just wore anything.

It's pretty clear he doesn't like the club anymore so it's not a cause of divided loyalties.
Fook it just told my wife to throw all my City gear away which doesnt have Etithad on it, I dont want to be seen to be disloyal to them even though Thomas Cook, Brother, Saab etc i have previous history with.

Sorry guys I know its not the same but just trying to lighten up the atmosphere on here ;)

Oh! and by the way I cant believe nobody has brought this up, but I thought Adebayor was well out of order when he scored and ran to celebrate with the Arsenal fans when he plays for City, surely he should have celebrated with us ;)
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Yeah your right probably the only time since he signed for monaco that he gone back to togo
Are you serious?

Let's not kid ourselves here. Those blindly defending him are just as deluded as those wildly slagging him off. All he's ever done since signing for us is talk about Arsenal, score a few goals, and then get sent off by carrying out some form of childish retribution against an ex-colleague. Arsenal clearly mean a lot more to him than the club that pays him 150k a week to kick a ball around a field. He's the very definition of a bastard mercenary, much like the rest of them. Everyone needs to just realise this and get over it.
Lets just get a few things straight here. Adebayor is under contract with Manchester City. Manchester City pay his wages, probably in the region of £160,000 per week. He left Arsenal with a lot of bad water under the bridge, fair enough, it happens. He joins city, plays brilliant for a while and then scores against his old club and runs the length of the pitch to celebrate, i have no problem with this. From that game on, he has looked a shambles. Constantly not giving any effort in games, no passion, no commitment, for the whole bolton away game, he did not jump for 1 header ffs! Then he decides to swan off to the ACON for 1 month, again, we will be topping up his bank balance during these 4 weeks to the tune of around £160,000 per week. By the time the competition is over, he will have earned from Manchester city £640,000 without even being in the country or playing a game for us. Taking into account what he has been through in the past 5 days must be hard, very hard indeed. Every city fan has shown him and togo the upmost respect during this difficult time. So when sky interview him, im sure it will not have been a spur of the moment thing, he will have had some time to prepare for this, is it really to fucking difficult to wear a top that doesnt have the emblem of your previous club on, the club you left with a lot of words exchanged, the club YOU ran the length of the pitch to celebrte infront of there fans? All of this bollocks about "he hasnt been home since he signed for us so he wont have any other clothes" he is paid an astronomical amount of money every week, if this was the case about having no other clothes, could someone not have gone and bought him a top ffs!!! if he doesnt ever play for us again, i am honestly not bothered. However, if you were to read this adebayor, do the right fucking thing. get your head sorted out, there was something up before you left fot the ACON, get yourself prepared for a hard fight for the rest of the season, put the effort, passion and commitment the other players in the squad have shown recently, explain why you are wearing an arsenal top and start performng like you should be. If you dont agree with this, then simple, do not come back.

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