Adebayor (Merged)

TFC said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
The last time he was in Togo he was an Arsenal player, presumably. So he would only have Arsenal gear back there. Plus the fact that he has only just been under fire for 20 minutes on a bus watching people die so he is not really pre occupied with his shirt.

I don't think it was premeditated lads. He isn't the sharpest tool in the box. It's forgivable and I'm not his biggest fan.

What is unforgivable is some of the stuff said on here by so called blues about a Manchester City player. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Its fucking embarrassing tbh. 'Respected journos' will be crawling all over this site tonight, rubbing their hands together with glee.

I wont even try make and excuses for the lad, cos I couldnt give a flying fuck what he wears when hes not on the football field.

I guess thats me out of the 'biggest blue' contest this year... :(

one of the reasons the other large thread was removed earlier today at the request of the OP
Maybe one of the murded guys was an Arsenal fan or it was just ironic?

Maybe he had no clothes?

It seems daft but I would wait for an explanation in time.

Not a patch on this guy, he had to leave the club:
The problem for me is, that if he feels he is in the correct state of ind to be giving interviews, then surely he should be in the correct state of mind to ask the Sky director to go and find him another shirt to wear.

I sympathize with what he has gone through, but frankly, I wouldn't be going on Sky anyway, helping them pull in ratings. I would be with my family or the families of the victims, trying to get to terms with what happened and put it behind me as best possible.

It was a silly thing to do, even given the circumstances and I think he will struggle to win back a lot of fans affections because of it. The worrying thing is too, that the Sky director, his agent or somebody close to him will have almost certainly have pointed this shirt out to him, to protect him from any ridicule at this sensitive time.

I can only assume that he was wearing this shirt out of some loyalty to one of the victims perhaps, but I guess we will never know the truth now, as not explaining it at the time will lead fans to be weary of any excuse or reason offered now.
Omiclops said:
I appreciate what he's gone through but this is totally unacceptable.

-Adebayor USED to play for Arsenal.

-He plays for City now.

-He should not be wearing the t-shirt of a rival team, especially on camera. It's very unprofessional of him.

-Mancini should give him a talking to when he's okay then and have him apologise.

Job done.
You for real, I doubt he really cared what he was wearing at the time. Give the guy a break.
I see that it's all City supporters fault again according to more than a few.

Heaven forbid one of our players does something stupid, and gets (justly) criticises for it, much easier to blame everything on the critic.
I'm not sure if i've missed something but this cannot be a recent video - someone said it was fdrom when his dad died in 2007 - but his hair and his goatee is completely different than it was when he was seen crying by the side of the road in the Congo

Maybe i'm wrong but i am prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment
does it really matter what he wore his head isnt right for fcuksake maybe he should have just worn a loincloth fcuk me let him get himself right, while we all concentrate our efforts for saturdays match and a good result...
Our "fans" disgust me sometimes. This thread represents that. Some comments on here are a disgrace.
if he gets a booing when he comes back I'll be mortified and we'll look like the biggest shower of arseholes in world football.

Petty, petty minds on here.

We are really going to be hated because of a minority of out crowd. twats

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