Adebayor (Merged)

Blue Dove said:
In all my time reading and contributing to Bluemoon I can honestly say I have seen a more ridiculous thread.
Some of the small minded posters on here really need to give their heads a shake.
What this guy has been through far exceeds anything that the vast majority of posters will ever experience.
He probably doesn't really care what he is wearing............and neither do I.
It makes Bluemoon a laughing stock more than him wearing that shirt.
"What will they say at work!" Fck me if you can't handle this you certainly would not be capable of being rational if you
had seen friends murdered and cheated death yourself.

Get a fkn grip.

July 09, not that long so.
as I have said maybe we should see the explanation before passing judgement i have just scanned the websites of all the daily papers and cant find ANY that have picked up on this!

Knowing how they love to put us down, don't you think at least one would have had a go, something just does not seem right.
i really don't know what to make of this. You can look at it two ways, either he's in a very bad way mentally at the moment which is understandable, and the thought didn't cross his mind and he just put on whatever was around, or he's not totally settled at city, which i've got suspicions about now. He seems to be far to bothered about what Arsenal are doing. I think Mancini needs to speak to him, because if he's not totally behind City then he is a liability
I feel for the guy for what he went through, but he must have worn that shirt for a reason. Perhaps he can go back to the club he loves so much once Bobby Manc susses out how lazy he is. Oh, that's right, Arse fans don't want him back either.
Oh you moaning fools please shuttup. Its a shirt for Gods sake he has just been shot at and watched a friend of his die.
I dont think his reasoning is anywhere near back to normal, probably been unable to sleep or eat and you kiddies are
complaining about a shirt? Its obvious the hardest thing you been through was probably losing a nail.

Sound like a bunch of on the rag females (see what I did there?)

Corky said:
Maybe one of the murded guys was an Arsenal fan or it was just ironic?
Maybe he had no clothes?

It seems daft but I would wait for an explanation in time.

Not a patch on this guy, he had to leave the club:

Even so. Surely even an idiot would realise that he can't wear an opposing teams shirt (particularly an ex team of his).

That's the first time I've seen that lee Clark pic by the way, obviosuly it ain't as bad as that, but it's a very poor show

LOL at the tree-huggers pathetic excuses
Trigger said:
as I have said maybe we should see the explanation before passing judgement i have just scanned the websites of all the daily papers and cant find ANY that have picked up on this!

Knowing how they love to put us down, don't you think at least one would have had a go, something just does not seem right.
Maybe, just maybe even the most demented journos are capable of seeing the human side of all this and are restraining themselves, unlike too many posters on this thread.
ManCityFC said:
The problem for me is, that if he feels he is in the correct state of ind to be giving interviews, then surely he should be in the correct state of mind to ask the Sky director to go and find him another shirt to wear.

I sympathize with what he has gone through, but frankly, I wouldn't be going on Sky anyway, helping them pull in ratings. I would be with my family or the families of the victims, trying to get to terms with what happened and put it behind me as best possible.

It was a silly thing to do, even given the circumstances and I think he will struggle to win back a lot of fans affections because of it. The worrying thing is too, that the Sky director, his agent or somebody close to him will have almost certainly have pointed this shirt out to him, to protect him from any ridicule at this sensitive time.

I can only assume that he was wearing this shirt out of some loyalty to one of the victims perhaps, but I guess we will never know the truth now, as not explaining it at the time will lead fans to be weary of any excuse or reason offered now.

29 pages and this is the most sensible

Even a Mcdonalds employee wouldnt walk into work with a burgerking uniform on and Ade has gone infront of tv cameras, if he is too emotional then grieve in private not in front of millions

just a daft mistake, we all make them

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