Adebayor (Merged)

Re: Adebayor

Lordeffingham said:
Oh, and I suppose whilst away, we are not paying his fucking wages?
What a twat, get rid of the lazy arse bastard, he is a typical example of what BIG RON once commented on, too laid back for his own good.
God I thought he was going to be a great signing, but just like Petrov, Vassel and Sinclair, once he gets 3 or 4 reasonable performances under his belt, cant be arsed anymore, doesn't ever get stuck in, even when oposing fans sing about his parents in such derogitary fashion.
Afraid to say the Gooners fans are right, but think they're spot on, the sooner we get shut the better.
And to suggest it's ok for a player contracted to our club, to go on live world tv sporting an oposing shirt, is ok, well get real, he should be fined a months wages and sold ASAP.
what an arsehole!

Nice racist slur their you cock, if you don't like black people I think you have choosen the wrong club son.
Re: Adebayor

Lordeffingham said:
Glad to see you attach more significance to my typing error than the fact he is sporting an Arsenal shirt?

The irony eh? (as in both totally pointless).

Yaya Toure has a City shirt on, reckon the Barca forums are making such a fuss? No, neither do I. The circumstances are such that he could have just picked up the first thing available, knowing he has been given 5 mins till camera time with no warning and gone out wearing the first thing he could find. It really doesn't matter you know, in the scheme of things.
Re: Adebayor

Sorry guys but what has happened is no excuse for doing a tv interview in the colours of a rival team.

Ade, you are a fucking dick!

Seriously, what the fuck, some of these footballers have between their ears i dont know.
Re: Adebayor

Lordeffingham said:
Oh, and I suppose whilst away, we are not paying his fucking wages?
What a twat, get rid of the lazy arse bastard, he is a typical example of what BIG RON once commented on, too laid back for his own good.
God I thought he was going to be a great signing, but just like Petrov, Vassel and Sinclair, once he gets 3 or 4 reasonable performances under his belt, cant be arsed anymore, doesn't ever get stuck in, even when oposing fans sing about his parents in such derogitary fashion.
Afraid to say the Gooners fans are right, but think they're spot on, the sooner we get shut the better.
And to suggest it's ok for a player contracted to our club, to go on live world tv sporting an oposing shirt, is ok, well get real, he should be fined a months wages and sold ASAP.
what an arsehole!

Nice racist slur their you cock, if you don't like black people I think you have choosen the wrong club son.
Re: Adebayor

Didnt the bus carrying all the togo players clothes get shot up to fuck ? maybe he doesnt have a reat deal to wear? maybe its cos he supports arsenal ? to be honest after what he has gone through maybe he wasnt thinking straight but i think we should give him a pass on it and thank fuck he is still alive to play for us.
Re: Adebayor

Ok, I have a question, where did he get the top from? Why did he have it with him? Just an old one he had in the wardrobe was it?
That lads head wasn't right before he went away, never mind After all this shooting business, me thinks he won't play again this season.
And before you do gooders start, let me ask another question, how many times have we seen a footballer/footballers suffer personal turmoil and Anguish, yet still be proffessional enough to carry on in a respectful manner? Is that fully what you think adebayor is doing?
Re: Adebayor

I've thought about this but ultimately I have to go with my gut feeling that I'm not happy with him wearing an Arsenal top on TV.
Re: Adebayor

Some of the replies on this thread are what gives BM a bad name, you need to grow up, it's a sports top ffs. Get a life.

I'd expect he's more arsed about his mates lay in the morgue right now.

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