Adebayor (Merged)

Re: Adebayor

gaz76 said:
Ok, I have a question, where did he get the top from? Why did he have it with him? Just an old one he had in the wardrobe was it?
That lads head wasn't right before he went away, never mind After all this shooting business, me thinks he won't play again this season.
And before you do gooders start, let me ask another question, how many times have we seen a footballer/footballers suffer personal turmoil and Anguish, yet still be proffessional enough to carry on in a respectful manner? Is that fully what you think adebayor is doing?

Anyone who says "Do Gooders" is a knob
Re: Adebayor

No problem with people of any race, colour or creed TBH, however in his case I believe he is a very lazy individual, with not enough grit to make it at the top for any prolonged sucess, but hey if you say I'm a racist, you must be right!
And if it's ok with you I'll continue supporting the club as fanatically as I have since 1961, with your permission of course.
The fact he is black is not an issue, Sweep has more testosterone in his spit than this tart has in his nads, and is someone I have adored since he started playing, however I can't remember any player wearing his old clubs shirt for love nor money, once he had moved on, maybe someone else can give an example of this absurd behaviour?
Re: Adebayor

Unless ade was half asleep when he got dressed i would expect him to know what he is wearing ,and putting on an arsenal shirt is wrong on so ,many levels. Calling someone a cock because they have voiced there opinion is also wrong. I would say making the carlos comparson was fair comment, the arsenal fans have more amunition to take the piss . May i apoligise in advance for ant spelling mistakes, fray bentos pies with chips peas and gravy lovely .
Re: Adebayor

Lordeff - you're an ignorant twat. Before you make up your mind about the ability of Ade, give him a chance to work under Mancini. Like many players, he was obviously not the greatest fan of hughes and like many players, showed his lack of respect on the field of play. Ade is a fantastic striker with incredible flair and ability. He may have an ego the size of Africa, but there is no harm in that. Bellamy was the same for many years and look at him now - probably the hardest working striker in the premiership.
Who fucking care wot shirt ade was wearing. Next time you have 3 close mates shot in the back within 5 feet of you, let's see if you don't shit yourself and turn into a blubbering wreck.
Re: Adebayor

gaz76 said:
Ok, I have a question, where did he get the top from? Why did he have it with him? Just an old one he had in the wardrobe was it?

same question i was asking really .. i just think its a bit of a let down, he can support who he likes im not daft enough to think all who play for us support us but its not asking a lot to give us funs enough respect to not be on international tv in another teams colours is it ? if his head is not with it enough to realise it might not be advisable to be on tv in another teams shirt then is he really in any fit state to be doing interviews in the first place ?

Re: Adebayor

Oh FFS people stop sticking up for the bloke , he's obviously a tool.

If his luggage had been blown to Timbucktoo , if he had been shot himself, there is still no reason for wearing another teams shirt unless he had lost the use of his limbs and couldn't dress himself .

He's not so distraught he can't sit doing interviews all day is he .

I don't care that YaYa was wearing our shirt let his club and fans sort him out .

Ade's actions are completely indefensible once again , he is bad news and we should get shut just as soon as we can .
Re: Adebayor

Well, deynaskaz, the ovens on m8, but MCFCMatt will struggle to get here and by the time he gets his connecting train, it'll probably be too cold to eat, but he's welcome too if he likes?
Re: Adebayor

Funny though how people didn't hammer Robinho when he said he thought he was going to play for Chelsea. Its the same thing, both on tele, both 'against' us, but noooooo, Robbie was our new hero so we surely couldn't slag him off now could we? Fucking joke to be honest. Who cares what he is wearing, for fucks sake.

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