Adebayor (Merged)

Pigeonho said:
SWP's back said:
Yeah but you did didn't yyou. When Hughes was sacked you got upset, threw your toys of of the pram, called us all cunts and told us how you were 19 stone and would fill anyone of us in that didn't like what you wre saying.

Well I am tired of your talk, block 110 M 211 - come on big lad, I'll be sure to chat.

Or I suppose you could just try and present your arguments like a grown up.

I would also like to add that at 19 stone, you probably shouldn't get too wound up as it wont be good for your heart.

Maybe spend more time in the gym and less time on here eh?

I apologised, instantly, for that thread. I'd been on the lash after the match and felt like airing a few views. Was wrong though, but there you go. Not that it matters, but its a healthy 19 stone, however thanks very very much for your concern.

Fair do's fella.

Pigeonho said:
El Hombre is right, I am being positive and don't take kindly to the club, staff being unfairly slated. If my posts come across as aggressive, so be it. Wrongun73, you are the one who started with the 'you're a fucking prick' this, 'a dick' that. I retaliated, who wouldn't? I look at things fairly simple. If Adebayor is being hammered unfairly for wearing an Arsenal top, well then i'll defend him, but only in this instance. If Ade had wore that all smiles and happy after one of our matches or indeed if Friday hadn't have happened and it was a post match interview, I would hammer him for it and wonder whether his mind is right. They did happen though, and the truth is none of us know why he wore it and I would like to think there are more people who think like me, bizzbo etc and TMQ who would rather give him the benefit of doubt rather than slate him, especially given how his mind must be, and even more so cos we don't know the circs leading up to his donning of that shirt. As for Soulboy bringin the Hughes things up, well done for that, makes you look really big and clever, i'm sure. Again, I thought Hughes was being hammered unfairly seeing where we were in the league and in the semi's etc. As it turns out, replacing Hughes has had a positive effect, so Hughes is now history and onwards we roll. If Mancini ever gets unfarily treated, i'll defend him and so on and so on. This is about Adebayor though and the way he is being piss-poorly hammered on here for doing something NONE of us know the events leading up to it.

I'm glad you wrote this last peice Pigeon old boy as you and that wrongun were both coming over as rather silly little boys.

We do not know why Ade wore that shirt, but I doubt it had any intentions behind it.

When I was asked about it last night my first reply was "What? The guy has been through hell and you're trying to take the mick about a shirt. Grow up!"

After what he has gone through he can wear what he likes. As his club's supporters we should get behind him in every way we can - to debate the clothes on his back makes us look rather small. We're generally better than this - let's draw a 75 page line under it and help the fella any way we can.
big deal he wears an arsenal shirt when he is not at what......

I dont care hwat he wears in his own time....he can go cross dressing if he wants as long as he keeps scoring goals for city.

Some fans on here will find anything to criticise certain players on (usually the same people that believe every single bit of info printed in the press)

Ade needs the support of the fans more than ever at present (it was great to hear the fans singing his name constantly during the blackburn game).

we need to be aware that this sort of thing affects people badly and it will affect Ade badly for quite a may take him time to regain the level of performance we know he is capable of due to this.....unfortunately patience with players is nto something that a certain section of fans at our club are blessed with!!!!
Pigeonho said:
Soulboy said:
So you admit you were wrong about Hughes?

Glory halle-fucking-lujah!

So if you can be so wrong over that one, in spite of all the grief you gave everyone on here who dared to disagree with you, next time you take up the cudgels in your own inimitable way... just give a little thought... could I possibly, just possibly, be wrong again?

Job's a good 'un.

No I wouldn't say i was wrong over Hughes, but the change has done what it was meant to do, and lets be honest, it was picked with careful precision as to the fixtures the new man would have. I don't mind admitting we are doing far better under Mancini, but the facts will show we sacked a manager who got us into the semi's of a cup and when we were 6th in the league, and my whole point was that it was not normal to sack a manager in that position, especially after giving him so much money, but so little time to make that team work to its potential. Mancini is doing it though, I know that. With the Ade thing though, no, I think you are wrong, and those who are slating him should not be doing so.

The Ade thing... I am wrong?

Have you read my comments on this matter... obviously not.

I was just having a pop at you... not Ade. Read back and you will see my position on Ade.
Soulboy said:
Pigeonho said:
No I wouldn't say i was wrong over Hughes, but the change has done what it was meant to do, and lets be honest, it was picked with careful precision as to the fixtures the new man would have. I don't mind admitting we are doing far better under Mancini, but the facts will show we sacked a manager who got us into the semi's of a cup and when we were 6th in the league, and my whole point was that it was not normal to sack a manager in that position, especially after giving him so much money, but so little time to make that team work to its potential. Mancini is doing it though, I know that. With the Ade thing though, no, I think you are wrong, and those who are slating him should not be doing so.

The Ade thing... I am wrong?

Have you read my comments on this matter... obviously not.

I was just having a pop at you... not Ade. Read back and you will see my position on Ade.

Sorry, meant the ones slating him, of which there are many, too many to remember. If I got you wrong there, I apologise.
Pigeonho said:
Soulboy said:
The Ade thing... I am wrong?

Have you read my comments on this matter... obviously not.

I was just having a pop at you... not Ade. Read back and you will see my position on Ade.

Sorry, meant the ones slating him, of which there are many, too many to remember. If I got you wrong there, I apologise.

Listen mate, I'm only having a josh with you... I admire your optimism and passion about City, I really do. But tone it down a bit and stop winding others up so much and you will come across far better.

Soulboy said:
Pigeonho said:
Sorry, meant the ones slating him, of which there are many, too many to remember. If I got you wrong there, I apologise.

Listen mate, I'm only having a josh with you... I admire your optimism and passion about City, I really do. But tone it down a bit and stop winding others up so much and you will come across far better.


Fair do's.
bugger, I've lost my reply to Blueinsa, accusing me over being over dramatic.

i'll paraphrase. the real over dramatisation here is a bunch of little obsessives cooing and frothing over the significance of somebody wearing a shirt. there is a real issue in the background but you all care more, much more about this.

as for The fat facepalm, that's about your level isn't it. somethings matter more to me than than internet arguments, who's wearing which shirt, and who is taking the piss out of whom.

like I said.

no respect whatsoever.

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