
Thanks fellas, much appreciated. Every bit of info helps narrow it down. As mentioned, there will always be a few teething problems but hopefully we can get these resolved asap.
I'm being offered 500k houses for sale in some of these ads.
If they keep teasing me like this, it'll be the estate agent that'll be having teething troubles.
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As for screen grabs I will try but all it is, is the banner, the homes, forum and members, the subsequent 5 tabs and an advert, nothing else loads, doesnt seem to be advert specific for me.
Go to 'Help>about Google Chrome' and update for starters, mines on Version 51.0.2704.79 m (64-bit). It may not help with the Ads but it wont do any harm.
Only just seen this thread and thought it was just my phone was the problem with limited memory.

It must be a Chrome issue with the ads, it just kept crashing, as soon as I changed the Brower everything is now working fine.
Yeah, it seems to be Chrome that is affected. Think it's a fairly common problem:

Changing your settings should help:

Chrome > Settings > Advanced settings > Use hardware acceleration when available (deselect)

I'm using Chrome - it was terrible for the past few days ( had to put AdBlocker on for a while - I know, I'll kick my own arse thankyou) - anyways - all running really fast today - yeeehah!!
I Keep getting a over the top of people's posts, can't get eid of it and it just keeps reappearing longer least on my Samsung Tablet
@Ric can you send @Bill or any other top technology mod round to sort out the ads on my phone? I'm seeing up to 4 per page and everything is taking an age.

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