Advice to my 8 yr old. "Just punch him in the face"

LittleStan said:
I read this thread with interest because I had two young kids. I am a bit conflicted.

For one I have no problem with bullies getting hit back. If I had done that sooner at school it would have been a much more enjoyable experience.

On the other hand, I hated and still hate violence. It's not a middle class after-uni-trend thing. I joined a boxing club and as a tall lad could keep my opponents at bay, but, I just hated it.

So, not only was I bullied, I felt shit about letting my family down because I would not take the advise and hit them back.

Be careful of your advice to kids.

Thats a bit odd mate. If you hate violence or or not i would rather be able to beat people off at the least rather than suffer from violence on a daily basis
BoyBlue_1985 said:
LittleStan said:
I read this thread with interest because I had two young kids. I am a bit conflicted.

For one I have no problem with bullies getting hit back. If I had done that sooner at school it would have been a much more enjoyable experience.

On the other hand, I hated and still hate violence. It's not a middle class after-uni-trend thing. I joined a boxing club and as a tall lad could keep my opponents at bay, but, I just hated it.

So, not only was I bullied, I felt shit about letting my family down because I would not take the advise and hit them back.

Be careful of your advice to kids.

Thats a bit odd mate. If you hate violence or or not i would rather be able to beat people off at the least rather than suffer from violence on a daily basis

odd? not wanting to hit somebody is odd?
The biggest problem facing a parent is that other parents and their kids, don't play to the rules. It's alright being on the moral high ground but when your kids are coming home crying, dishevelled and generally unhappy, it's not right. Sadly schools do nothing about it, and nor do the cops as they see it as the schools responsibility. That's apart from aforementioned PCSO's sticking their oar in thinking they're doing something good, when all they're doing is giving bullies carte blanche to carry on.

As one poster referred to above, a good idea is to have the kids go to some form of self defence classes, whether it be karate, boxing or whatever. Not only does this give the child the ability to defend themselves, it also gives them self confidence. Bullies will pick on the weak and meek and if they know that they are in for a knuckle sandwich if they try it on, chances are they won't.

To the OP I say well done, but I would also say, make sure it's done in a disciplined way. And always remember this, if you DO knock seven bells out of someone always say that you had an honestly held belief that the other person was going to seriously harm me. In this instance even a pre emptive strike is perfectly acceptable. This holds more water if you are in self defence classes too as you learn this type of thing, reacting to danger and averting danger before it happens.
LittleStan said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
LittleStan said:
I read this thread with interest because I had two young kids. I am a bit conflicted.

For one I have no problem with bullies getting hit back. If I had done that sooner at school it would have been a much more enjoyable experience.

On the other hand, I hated and still hate violence. It's not a middle class after-uni-trend thing. I joined a boxing club and as a tall lad could keep my opponents at bay, but, I just hated it.

So, not only was I bullied, I felt shit about letting my family down because I would not take the advise and hit them back.

Be careful of your advice to kids.

Thats a bit odd mate. If you hate violence or or not i would rather be able to beat people off at the least rather than suffer from violence on a daily basis

odd? not wanting to hit somebody is odd?
Not wanting to protect yourself is a bit odd? Of course it's not odd to dislike violence
Ignore the school just smash the pikey parents!!! (joke) My little girl will be starting secondary school soon.She is very clever for her age and quite introverted but she has plenty of friends,and towers over every kid her age.I told her to use her size as an advantage,If someone trys to take the mickey.A couple of the gob shite kids tried picking on her.I spoke to the pikeys parents in a casual manner for them to stop.nothing has happened since.I am not a hard man or anything,just a regular guy who loves his little girl.I think sometimes it needs to be dealt with outside the school when all else fails.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Not wanting to protect yourself is a bit odd? Of course it's not odd to dislike violence

I also did not say I did not want to protect myself, it was not like I stood there and got hit. There are other ways, I kept out of he way, walked home 3 miles longer and stayed in the classroom at school.

My point was that I was been told, by people who loved me, to do something that I deep down thought was wrong.

It was a double whammy, feel guilty for not hitting somebody and felt sick if I did.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Personally,I don't consider advising an eight year old child to punch another eight year old child in the face to be good advice,but clearly I am lacking the macho posturing and testosterone of other posters.

I was going for subtlety but good luck with your method ;)
LittleStan said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Personally,I don't consider advising an eight year old child to punch another eight year old child in the face to be good advice,but clearly I am lacking the macho posturing and testosterone of other posters.

I was going for subtlety but good luck with your method ;)

I'm the off topic iconoclast Stan,and have little desire to compete in the headlong race to be forum hard man.
I'm merely surprised that we have reached seven pages without somebody suggesting arming the aggrieved child with a kalashnikov.

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