Affinity with West Ham. How did it start?

Like most here I don't have 'second team'. I'm not that arsed.

But I do have a soft spot for certain teams and would rather they won. Teams my good mates support and I've been to games - Bolton, Brentford, Watford

But also ones where there's not necessarily a rational reason, just a feeling - West Ham, Wednesday and Sunderland.

I don't lose any sleep if they lose though.

Especially on Saturday, in West Ham's case.
Think it was from the last game of the season back in the late 80's we were relegated, they stayed up. The 'ammers all invaded to pitch and marched up to the city end in a whole goading way. We all started singing "we'll meet again, dont know where dont know when..." the atmosphere changed and our relegation party started. They were lining the streets applauding us on the way back up to the tube.... silly fuckers.

I was there and that's my recollection apart from we sang, "We're going down; you're not", to them which Immediately defused what could have been a big ruck. Maybe we sang the other song as well but if you were there then you're pretty old!
Like West Ham, Sunderland.

Only two other clubs I really like.
No love in here either. I want to beat them well on Saturday.

Do I respect West Ham? Undoubtedly. Do I respect Liverpool? Fuck no.
I lived in London for thirteen years but now back in Manchester. Before I went to London I always thought of West Ham as a second team. Don’t know where that came from; maybe it’s the way West Ham fans present themselves. They always reminded me of City. My History teacher at school was a Hammer and was always telling us stories about Upton Park and the likes of Bobby Moore.

I’ve worked with a fair few too. One of the most memorable nights out after work came when a load of us went out to do a local pub crawl in Chelsea, just off Kings Road. A very popular pub called The Australian was bursting at the seems one night and me and my mates decided to sing a few West Ham songs. Obviously not too popular in that part of the world, even if only because some of the more Middle Class clientele weren’t too happy.

Coming back from the toilet after what only seemed a minute or two, I noticed one of my West Ham mates had gone missing. On asking where he’d gone, I was told that he’d been thrown out as apparently he’d put on the duke box “who let the dogs out?” climbed onto a table top and started singing “who let the goat out?” Allegedly this was too much for the Barman who had been watching us all night and so he marched him outside and barred him for life! Great days!

As an aside to this, my wife hails from East London and supports West Ham. We moved back to Manchester, partly so that my daughter can say she’s a born-and-bread Mancunian (she was born in St. Mary’s), and as well as being a Cityzen, she’s also got a soft spot for West Ham.

Loads of similarities between the two clubs - I definitely feel at home with them!
I've never felt or noticed that. I dislike that club especially it's fanbase, they are absolutely horrible & for some reason compared to us by some of our own fans but they are scum. I remember one time at Maine road in the uncovered corner one of there fans had a go at my mum and spat right in her face and loads of them loved it. Horrible bunch
I think it simply boils down to large loyal fanbases even without success and our hatred of the fanboy gloryhunters who jump on the band wagon of certain other clubs.

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