
kinkysleftfoot said:
I was once you get older never pass the chance to have a piss and never waste a hard on!!........begining to see the truth in those words!!

You should worry when you can't tell the difference
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis the day before my 30th birthday - which was June 2006, but it took few months to get my medication right - and I remember going to the Chesterfield v City match (in sept 06 - from memory) and standing behind the goal... at the end of the match, I couldn't move - my car was only a 10 minute walk away, but it took me and my other half an age to get back to the car, then drive home (i kid you not, I couldn't change gear without wincing - sounds dramatic -but wasn't funny at the time)

A few months ago, I was in Tenerife, and some older lady (in her 70's) told me off for getting in a lift for only 2 floors of the hotel we were staying in...... not because I couldn't be arsed - but because I struggle walking downstairs- but she just saw a 'young person' being lazy - which pissed me right off

I'm in a fair amount of pain / discomfort most days - but to be honest - you just learn to get on with it, but I work with people who nearly cry as they have ONE grey hair..... I'm not arsed about aging - as long as I still have some mobility.
BrowneBlueBird said:
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis the day before my 30th birthday - which was June 2006, but it took few months to get my medication right - and I remember going to the Chesterfield v City match (in sept 06 - from memory) and standing behind the goal... at the end of the match, I couldn't move - my car was only a 10 minute walk away, but it took me and my other half an age to get back to the car, then drive home (i kid you not, I couldn't change gear without wincing - sounds dramatic -but wasn't funny at the time)

A few months ago, I was in Tenerife, and some older lady (in her 70's) told me off for getting in a lift for only 2 floors of the hotel we were staying in...... not because I couldn't be arsed - but because I struggle walking downstairs- but she just saw a 'young person' being lazy - which pissed me right off

I'm in a fair amount of pain / discomfort most days - but to be honest - you just learn to get on with it, but I work with people who nearly cry as they have ONE grey hair..... I'm not arsed about aging - as long as I still have some mobility.

My mum had this since she was a kid, she had 2 new shoulders, and elbow and a rod threw her wrist.
I really do understand how hard it is. She even got it in her Jaw bone.

Hope you are ok :) are you on about 30 tablets a day? may i ask.
I am 46 now and I quite like the "mental" ageing as it gives you a take on the world that is very balanced and peaceful.

The physical bit is catching up with me though. My hearing has been a problem these last two years. Not major, but enough to know that I am getting older.
I keep slim though and I think that is a big factor.
It has to be losing my hair (Thinning) Im only 25. Getting the hair cut tomorrow and not looking forward to it one bit. I think I might get away with the Short back and sides before it all has to go
scottyboi said:
BrowneBlueBird said:
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis the day before my 30th birthday - which was June 2006, but it took few months to get my medication right - and I remember going to the Chesterfield v City match (in sept 06 - from memory) and standing behind the goal... at the end of the match, I couldn't move - my car was only a 10 minute walk away, but it took me and my other half an age to get back to the car, then drive home (i kid you not, I couldn't change gear without wincing - sounds dramatic -but wasn't funny at the time)

A few months ago, I was in Tenerife, and some older lady (in her 70's) told me off for getting in a lift for only 2 floors of the hotel we were staying in...... not because I couldn't be arsed - but because I struggle walking downstairs- but she just saw a 'young person' being lazy - which pissed me right off

I'm in a fair amount of pain / discomfort most days - but to be honest - you just learn to get on with it, but I work with people who nearly cry as they have ONE grey hair..... I'm not arsed about aging - as long as I still have some mobility.

My mum had this since she was a kid, she had 2 new shoulders, and elbow and a rod threw her wrist.
I really do understand how hard it is. She even got it in her Jaw bone.

Hope you are ok :) are you on about 30 tablets a day? may i ask.

I got diagnosed with it in my jaw bone only a few weeks ago, it's a bit sad looking at how big food is - to see if I can open my mouth wide enough to eat!! My other half, half joked about getting a blender for meals - funny fcuker(!). They have changed my tablets to steroid ones at the minute

If I'm being truthful, the scariest bit about getting old with something like RA, is replacement joints. Thankfully, when I am in discomfort -it's either ankles / feet - or wrists / hands - and not both. I've never had ladylike elegant hands - and I know I never will - but I know the disfigurement has started!

Hope your ma is ok!
im receding im only 20 :/ but have pulled off the short bk and sides ;)

My left knee is fuck and keeps twisting. And my back is a mess from moving houses for a living when i was 16. Stupid boy!
rushts said:
i hope ageing will bring and end to my premature ejaculation.
and just when you think your getting good at shagging , you start struggling to get a stiffy.

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