Aguero banned for three games (updated)

you it the fucking nail on the head..........................let it begin.

We have to add being feared to what we already have. That makes the fuckers who stitch us up think twice before doing so. It makes the cunts who bad mouth us and make up stories also take a step back for fear of the repercussions if they do. It worked for the rags for years and we have nothing to lose. If you are being bullied you can take the abuse and hide in the shadows hoping it will never does. Or you can hurt the bully so much that they move on to an easier target. Come on City fight back!
We have to add being feared to what we already have. That makes the fuckers who stitch us up think twice before doing so. It makes the cunts who bad mouth us and make up stories also take a step back for fear of the repercussions if they do. It worked for the rags for years and we have nothing to lose. If you are being bullied you can take the abuse and hide in the shadows hoping it will never does. Or you can hurt the bully so much that they move on to an easier target. Come on City fight back!
I concur 100%...........its time to stop being pussies,if the owners cant see it or wont except finally we've got to do this,then it will continue being an uphill struggle.
let it go blues, we will get our own back,what's the old saying what goes around comes around.
Letting it go is the reason it's been able to continue for so long. Even a former referee coming out and admitting there's an underlying problem doesn't seem to have stirred up the hornets nest it should. Instead, bar a couple of journalists on Twitter what should be a major story has been met with a wall of silence.
There was a thread discussing the corrupt/inept PGMOL back in 2012 when it was admitted Mario got special treatment from referees:

I too have finally had enough of the dubious officiating within the Premier League in favor of the Sky favorites. It appears now as if they don’t even try to hide it probably because they are answerable to nobody. On reflection though what do we expect when which referee is chosen to handle which game by the one and only, Mr. United himself, Mike Riley.

Have you tried getting in touch with them via their organization? Professional Games Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) it is run, regulated and controlled by general manager Mike Riley, It’s impossible, nobody, it appears, can even question them, as they are an independent body hired by the premier league, hiding behind their limited company and the F.A.

In my opinion the standard of officiating, possibly with the exception of Mike Dean, has dropped dramatically since the referee’s salary was introduced. Now we have a chosen few, (all pro Sky4?), who are paid a salary, thus they now cannot be struck off the list or suffer any financial hardship for incompetence.

If PGMOL is a company then why cannot it hire the more competent referees from Europe and dismiss the dross we have to endure week in week out, or maybe, as evidenced in European games, these referees cannot be swayed into ignoring certain player’s (wannabe assistant referees a la Rooney), or favor certain teams actions.

We as fans pay, or over the years have paid, a lot of money to watch the game. All we ask for is a fair and equitable official who we trust to handle the game in an unbiased, agenda free manner. Is this too much to ask, and who is there to monitor and police them from allegations or incidents of corruption? Who monitors this, and how often?

Finally, I find myself rolling my eyes when I see that FIFA badge on the ref’s shirt, because in my mind it stands for Fully Incompetent Fuckin’ Amateur.
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Never posted on these forums before but I'm genuinely incensed by this, the whole thing looks to me like one big stitch up between the FA, Sky and the rag obsessed meda. Surely it's time for our owners to fight back? And I don't know if it's me but the Halsey story seems to have mysteriously disappeared from the MUEN City page after it had been top story this lunchtime - dark forces at work?
A top ex referee has gone on record as saying that basically an organisation set up to impartially judge incidents is corrupt. Given the amount of money in the game that can be affected by such decisions I am amazed the police never mind any football body isn't looking into this.
Maybe Marriner actually didn't see Kun make an elbow gesture towards Reid.

It's entirely possible that he was looking at both players but thought it was a coming together rather than a lash out. Then when viewing it on TV realise he got it wrong.

Also, it's a no win situation for the ref. If he admits that he seen it and didn't think it was a red then he's incompetent and if he says he missed it then he's also incompetent for not doing his job properly.

The only person to blame is Kun for being a dick in the first place.

The real issue is the media influencing retrospective punishments which is a joke.

The FA need to change their retrospective punishment laws and fast. Take the pressure of referees and allow a independent panel to deal with certain offences regardless of whether they were seen, missed or dealt with on the pitch.
Maybe Marriner actually didn't see Kun make an elbow gesture towards Reid.

It's entirely possible that he was looking at both players but thought it was a coming together rather than a lash out. Then when viewing it on TV realise he got it wrong.

Also, it's a no win situation for the ref. If he admits that he seen it and didn't think it was a red then he's incompetent and if he says he missed it then he's also incompetent for not doing his job properly.

The only person to blame is Kun for being a dick in the first place.

The real issue is the media influencing retrospective punishments which is a joke.

The FA need to change their retrospective punishment laws and fast. Take the pressure of referees and allow a independent panel to deal with certain offences regardless of whether they were seen, missed or dealt with on the pitch.

Absolutely right. The injustice here is the inconsistency. Every game should be scrutinised objectively. It does need to be confined to violent conduct, though, otherwise too many decisions will be "replayed".

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