Aguero to Barca?

luckyadeel78 said:
In my opinion it's a good opportunity to grab cesc swap deal or alexia plus song swap deal ......

These are not good opportunities at all. We've torn apart our strike force and reinforced our midfield, so let's give them our star striker for more midfielders?

Anyone who even entertains the idea of Aguero joining Barca being good needs to give their head a wobble.
LoveCity said:
luckyadeel78 said:
In my opinion it's a good opportunity to grab cesc swap deal or alexia plus song swap deal ......

These are not good opportunities at all. We've torn apart our strike force and reinforced our midfield, so let's give them our star striker for more midfielders?

Anyone who even entertains the idea of Aguero joining Barca being good needs to give their head a wobble.

Or on the wind up.
That Express article is a total load of dreamt up bollox
of the highest order. Secretly told his friends my fucking
arse, and how have you found this out Mr. Perrin, oh wait
you haven't. you just decide to top up your ridiculous
salary with more pulled out of thin air bullshit. 26m, lofl.
neel said:
Manchester City's Sergio Aguero secretly tells friends he would like Barcelona move
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... elona-move</a>

I think this has come out of now where...No chance we will loose all our 4 strikers :(

As others have already said every Transfer Window the same utter BS about Aguero moving.

Secretly tells friends who then contact paper, also we will consider bids of 26 million, whoever wrote that utter Shit should be ashamed, even Twitter appears to make sense compared to that.
What this does show is that there is a lack of top class talent available in the market, and the journos especially of a team like Barca who expect only the best are picking random names to try to generate interest. Just as there was a paper linking the Rags to Messi the other week. Problem is they don't do any research for if they had they would have known one of the requirements for Pellegrini arriving in the first place was that Aguero had to stay, so Aguero signs a new contract Pellegrini arrives and now this load of old bollocks.
Ray78 said:
Rammyblues said:
Straight swop for Messi plus they give us 20m on top might not be so bad :-)

Now you are talking Rammy :).

According to some on here it maybe Messi joining Aguero at City next year :)

Would make more sense then that utter rubbish that somebody actually gets paid for making up in the Express.
SilvaisSkyBlue said:
Ray78 said:
Rammyblues said:
Straight swop for Messi plus they give us 20m on top might not be so bad :-)

Now you are talking Rammy :).

According to some on here it maybe Messi joining Aguero at City next year :)

Would make more sense then that utter rubbish that somebody actually gets paid for making up in the Express.

Apes with typewriters spring to mind :).
SilvaisSkyBlue said:
Ray78 said:
Rammyblues said:
Straight swop for Messi plus they give us 20m on top might not be so bad :-)

Now you are talking Rammy :).

According to some on here it maybe Messi joining Aguero at City next year :)

Would make more sense then that utter rubbish that somebody actually gets paid for making up in the Express.

I'm sending out the wedding invitations now for my nuptials with Ryan gosling for December too

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