Ajax Vs City CL Post Game Discussion Thread

No if's no but's we are totally inadequate when it comes to playing football beyond are own shores.

Mr Mancini has been found out at this level before. He can have the 2013/14 season to put it right if not.......Tot ziens.

Thats we were given tonight.
pudge said:
Matty said:
black mamba said:
Don't kid yourself B&P ......

we are out NOW!

Even if we do manage to somehow win our three remaing fixtures , it won't stop Dortmund and Madrid going through .
Actually if we win our 3 games we'll likely qualify. Winning all 3 will give us 10 points.

Dortmund can get a maximum of 13 if we beat them.

Madrid can get a maximum of 12 if we beat them.

Ajax can get a maximum of 9 if we beat them.

However Dortmund and Madrid can't both get their maximum as they need to play each other.

Dortmund beat Madrid will mean 13 points for Dortmund and 9 for Madrid.

Madrid beat Dortmund will mean 12 points for Madrid and 10 for Dortmund (we'd need to get superior goal difference to finish above Dortmund)

If Madrid and Dortmund draw then Dortmund get 11 points and Madrid get 10 points (we'd need to get superior goal difference to finish above Madrid).

Of course, we'll never win all 3 games. We'll be lucky to pick up 5 points, let alone the 9 we need.
Goes on head to head does it not if you're level on points?

Actually, yeah, you're right.

In that case if we finish on 10 points and Dortmund do too, we'd qualify as we'd have 4 points against them compared to their 1.

If we finish on 10 points and Madrid do too then, provided we win by 2 goals, or we win by 1 but don't concede more than 2 goals, we'd qualify. Concede more than 2 goals (so win 4-3 etc) then we'd go out, concede 2 goals (so win 3-2) and we'd need to have better overall goal difference.

All still irrelevant as we won't win all 3 games.
Re: Reality Check.

pauldominic said:
FantasyIreland said:
Micah admitting that Mancinis 3 at the back is bollox and yet he persists on playing it,Clichy looked fucking baffled.........

The bloke has zero man management skills,not one of his subs did he acknowledge.

Its the Italian way and they've won more world cups than England.

yeah alan ball won a world cup aswell
ManCityX said:
I still think we can win the tournament.

A good win at home to Ajax in order to set the ball rolling and then a couple of good performances against Real and Dortmund should see us get second. From there anything can happen.

Come on!!!

Re: Reality Check.

FantasyIreland said:
Micah admitting that Mancinis 3 at the back is bollox and yet he persists on playing it,Clichy looked fucking baffled.........

The bloke has zero man management skills,not one of his subs did he acknowledge.
Bollocks we was already 2-1 down he changed to try and pull the game back.
All you are doing is making excuses for highly paid pro footballers who have a responsibility to play with heart,desire and passion for this great club regardless about formation,I mean its not like they get together once a week on a field and train for an hour is it for fucks sake!!
We started badly from the offset and didn't deserve to be 1-0 up anyway.
Too many players not performing ,everyone looking lacklustre,they need to have a look at each other and sort it out quickly because something doesn't look or seem quite right.
As for Mancini taking the blame he's protecting his players for sure he did this last season.,and he doesn't mean he didn't prepare them wrong he obviously means tactically the game didn't pan out as they expected coz he probably thought we was going to win, like myself ,that's without being disrespectful to Ajax but really we should be winning this game end of!
Anyway see you all Saturday
Anyway see you all Saturday!
Am I the only person that felt something was not right tonight?!?

Mancini still has his voice ffs....
B\connellblue said:
Never mind the group of death. It's a fucking myth, we'd get out of no group the way bobby has us playing in europe.

Never got this group of death bullshit. As if, Real, Dortmund and Ajax all went:


There are no easy games in the CL.

Same mistake as against Napoli away last year. The number one priority is NOT to lose away games. Sure up midfield and take it from there.

Win the CL? I'd be happy if we got out of the group with Mancini. Not that that will ever happen.

The Italian just never learns.

I felt like I was going to fucking puke when the game was over.
Re: Reality Check.

Gojairu said:
We went 3-5-2 for 5 minutes.
We played 4-4-2 for 85 minutes.
Yes 3-5-2 doesn't work, but it's not why we lost.
we lost because one team fought their heart out and the other team thought all they have to do is turn up and they win. thast the most annoying thing, if they played like Dortmund you would hold up yout hand
pudge said:
Matty said:
black mamba said:
Don't kid yourself B&P ......

we are out NOW!

Even if we do manage to somehow win our three remaing fixtures , it won't stop Dortmund and Madrid going through .
Actually if we win our 3 games we'll likely qualify. Winning all 3 will give us 10 points.

Dortmund can get a maximum of 13 if we beat them.

Madrid can get a maximum of 12 if we beat them.

Ajax can get a maximum of 9 if we beat them.

However Dortmund and Madrid can't both get their maximum as they need to play each other.

Dortmund beat Madrid will mean 13 points for Dortmund and 9 for Madrid.

Madrid beat Dortmund will mean 12 points for Madrid and 10 for Dortmund (we'd need to get superior goal difference to finish above Dortmund)

If Madrid and Dortmund draw then Dortmund get 11 points and Madrid get 10 points (we'd need to get superior goal difference to finish above Madrid).

Of course, we'll never win all 3 games. We'll be lucky to pick up 5 points, let alone the 9 we need.
Goes on head to head does it not if you're level on points?

It's just a pipedream , it won't happen.

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