Ajay by Ajay

Brucie Bonus said:
It's VERacity Gelson's dad (ver, veri; Latin, truth), unless you are having fun with vorare (Latin: to devour, eat, usually without decorum or sense &c.)...and I suspect you are; nice one.

Aside from that, Ajay is a good bloke imo.

Ta. will edit.
Gelsons Dad said:
If you post then you are open to counter post. It's a free world. If you don't like people questioning the voracity of you mostly extremely vague and often ambiguous claims of inside information then don't post it. You claim to have a healthy inbox of PM's so why not use that as your conduit.
Since the KaKa saga your ITK posts have always elicited the same response. Those who beg for more, those who say nothing and those who question the credibly and or tone of your posts and occasionally those who are abusive (although I have rarely seen a post i would consider abusive). You know this is what will happen every time you post on the subject of transfers yet you continue to do so.
You have every right to post. I have every right to question your voracity. It's what a BB is for.

I cannot think of one reason for you to start this topic, except to elicit "we love Ajay" responses from those who you already know via PM believe your posts to be true and an "i don't believe you" responce from those who don't. As that can be the only reason I suggest this thread be moved to OFF TOPIC as it has nothing to do with transfers and you would be better off using the POLL feature to better achieve your self initiated popularity boast.

Almost a great post on why you doubt Ajay and i was quite impressed that there was no abuse, until i got to the last line and you showed your true colours.

Ajay, think this shows you the moron's are a minority. 2 fingers up to them i say.
bizzbo said:
blueinsa said:
In your opinion of course...

The last paragraph has given your stance on Ajay away im afraid!

Its not about "loving Ajay" its about letting a fellow blue post what he wants and for all of us to read that without having to trawl through page after page of useless abuse, aimed at the guy.

Yes by all means post an opinion but there are too many on here that have gone way over the top in questioning the voracity of his posts as you put it.


i don't know, and can only imagine, the contents of the PM's that Ajay recieves from some of the random characters on this board, but I've yet to see this 'page after page' of abuse on the boards.

Probably because it has become so frequent and boring that the mods have started to delete these threads as soon as they are put up!

I know of at least two in the last few days!

Any mods will back that up i think.

Ive said it before and i'll say it again.

Transfer forum. A place for all rumours, gossip and speculation.

If people post rumours, gossip and speculation i cant really see what it is they are doing wrong?
Ricster said:
Gelsons Dad said:
If you post then you are open to counter post. It's a free world. If you don't like people questioning the voracity of you mostly extremely vague and often ambiguous claims of inside information then don't post it. You claim to have a healthy inbox of PM's so why not use that as your conduit.
Since the KaKa saga your ITK posts have always elicited the same response. Those who beg for more, those who say nothing and those who question the credibly and or tone of your posts and occasionally those who are abusive (although I have rarely seen a post i would consider abusive). You know this is what will happen every time you post on the subject of transfers yet you continue to do so.
You have every right to post. I have every right to question your voracity. It's what a BB is for.

I cannot think of one reason for you to start this topic, except to elicit "we love Ajay" responses from those who you already know via PM believe your posts to be true and an "i don't believe you" responce from those who don't. As that can be the only reason I suggest this thread be moved to OFF TOPIC as it has nothing to do with transfers and you would be better off using the POLL feature to better achieve your self initiated popularity boast.

Almost a great post on why you doubt Ajay and i was quite impressed that there was no abuse, until i got to the last line and you showed your true colours.

Ajay, think this shows you the moron's are a minority. 2 fingers up to them i say.

What's abusive about the last line? Why else would the OP start this thread and why is it in the transfer forum?
Ricster said:
Gelsons Dad said:
If you post then you are open to counter post. It's a free world. If you don't like people questioning the voracity of you mostly extremely vague and often ambiguous claims of inside information then don't post it. You claim to have a healthy inbox of PM's so why not use that as your conduit.
Since the KaKa saga your ITK posts have always elicited the same response. Those who beg for more, those who say nothing and those who question the credibly and or tone of your posts and occasionally those who are abusive (although I have rarely seen a post i would consider abusive). You know this is what will happen every time you post on the subject of transfers yet you continue to do so.
You have every right to post. I have every right to question your voracity. It's what a BB is for.

I cannot think of one reason for you to start this topic, except to elicit "we love Ajay" responses from those who you already know via PM believe your posts to be true and an "i don't believe you" responce from those who don't. As that can be the only reason I suggest this thread be moved to OFF TOPIC as it has nothing to do with transfers and you would be better off using the POLL feature to better achieve your self initiated popularity boast.

Almost a great post on why you doubt Ajay and i was quite impressed that there was no abuse, until i got to the last line and you showed your true colours.

Ajay, think this shows you the moron's are a minority. 2 fingers up to them i say.

You don't read alot of posts then eh? There's been more than a few and it's disproportionate in comparison to some of the other shit we read elsewhere. People are just giving him a hard time because of the Kaka debacle which ultimately was not in his control and because he's not coming on every day with new info. Hardly a surprise when you look at the nonsense he has to put up with.
blueinsa said:
bizzbo said:
blueinsa said:
In your opinion of course...

The last paragraph has given your stance on Ajay away im afraid!

Its not about "loving Ajay" its about letting a fellow blue post what he wants and for all of us to read that without having to trawl through page after page of useless abuse, aimed at the guy.

Yes by all means post an opinion but there are too many on here that have gone way over the top in questioning the voracity of his posts as you put it.


i don't know, and can only imagine, the contents of the PM's that Ajay recieves from some of the random characters on this board, but I've yet to see this 'page after page' of abuse on the boards.

Probably because it has become so frequent and boring that the mods have started to delete these threads as soon as they are put up!

I know of at least two in the last few days!

Any mods will back that up i think.

Ive said it before and i'll say it again.

Transfer forum. A place for all rumours, gossip and speculation.

If people post rumours, gossip and speculation i cant really see what it is they are doing wrong?

neither can I, but people have an equal right to their say on what people post. It does puzzle me why some people get their knickers in a twist every single time.
I enjoy reading your posts Ajay, it makes things all the more interesting and exciting, at the end of the day, this is a forum for peoples views and comments, no need for abuse, i sometimes laugh at what people say and the ITKs, it makes things fun, dont let these small minded bigots drive u away, i look forward to your posts x
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
I don't care what anyone's opinion of Ajay is...whether you like his postings or not, it doesn't matter. The whole point of a discussion forum is to discuss subjects, agree, disagree and make your own mind up...no need for abuse at all.

Ajay (like many many other posters on here) contribute to Bluemoon and make it what it is.

For the record, I am one of those who thinks Ajay posts information on here from time to time that is given to him in good faith and I respect him for that.

Keep up the good work.

Agree with you Dad - once again...;0)

Don't let the morons wear you down, Ajay; I miss your posts, and just wish some of the worst offenders got banned for a while.
Keep posting Ajay, i enjoy your posts they always make an interesting read. I suppose people are allowed their opinion but it is the way that some post abuse that is very irritating. Keep up the good work.

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