Ajay by Ajay

Paul Lake's Left Knee said:
Ajay - it is ok to start a topic fella - its why the board is here

Its on the wrong forum though if Ajay's not going to be putting any info in this thread !

Mods that was a joke, dont go moving it because of my petty humour, Im having a bad day ;o)
Ajay said:
One more comment, some people will try and claim that me adding this post is just a way of getting attention - well it is not, it is just for information!

Don't get involved giving people your personal info mate; you get stalked enough as it is. People should be mature enough to make up their own minds about what you say without having to delve into your private life to try & make some kind of point. I don't think that it's a good idea to start giving personal details to people who's motives are questionable to say the least.
ajay can you please say in your loudest voice

away you go

in the style of the end of we are the champions
Neville Kneville said:
Ajay said:
One more comment, some people will try and claim that me adding this post is just a way of getting attention - well it is not, it is just for information!

Don't get involved giving people your personal info mate; you get stalked enough as it is. People should be mature enough to make up their own minds about what you say without having to delve into your private life to try & make some kind of point. I don't think that it's a good idea to start giving personal details to people who's motives are questionable to say the least.

I agree, I was just fed up with all the crap on here!
well said that man, keep posting, and to use the old quote from that politician who got into trouble, cant remember his name, 1990`s, think he had to resign, who sent a gift,to somebody, gold watch inscribed "dont let the bastards grind you down"
Ajay said:
Neville Kneville said:
Ajay said:
One more comment, some people will try and claim that me adding this post is just a way of getting attention - well it is not, it is just for information!

Don't get involved giving people your personal info mate; you get stalked enough as it is. People should be mature enough to make up their own minds about what you say without having to delve into your private life to try & make some kind of point. I don't think that it's a good idea to start giving personal details to people who's motives are questionable to say the least.

I agree, I was just fed up with all the crap on here!

Trust me Ajay, and the comments on this thread prove it, you are not the only one mate!
I have been a city fan for for over 30 years, never bothered with any forums until a friend told me about Bluemoon and post by Ajay called ''news from UAE''.

I found it interesting and sometimes compelling, its the reason I even joined.

Ajay keep posting wether you are right or wrong its far more interesting than most on here.
"Ajay by Ajay" as the title of a thread? The most egotistical load of bull I've ever read.

He'll be referring to himself in the third person soon....
Ajay said:
I just started reading the Ajay is WUM thread and it got deleted as I was reading, more than likely because it turned into the usual childish internet bullying bullshit thread this forum has created in the last few weeks!

I don't normally retaliate to pathetic accusations but I want to make a few things clear:

1. The post quoted someone (name was not in the quote) who claimed to have PM'd me about other City people in Arabian Ranches where I live, well I have just been through over 10 pages of PM's I have received this month alone and cannot see his PM!

2. Why would I know everyone who lives in the community I reside? there are over 4000 villa's here and I do not play gold at the ranches golf club nor do I play polo at the Dubai Polo Club, that said I do go to the Polo Club Gym! Those who want to 'bump' into me can do so normally at the Al Arab Cafe on the odd evening have a pot of mint tea will my friends or in Dubai Internet City where my offices are located!

3. My friends are ADUG friends who are virtually all in Abu Dhabi, but I am sure if the person who claimed to have PM'd me sends me the details I will respond and at the same time ask if he knows the same people I know here, after all he is assuming we all know each other nd all expatriates socialise in the same closed group - guess what we don't!

4. Call me a WUM or call me anything you want, frankly I do not give a sh*t, as a professional 40 plus year old I do not care what people on an internet forum think of me, all I care about is that I know what I know and in my heart I am happy with that!

5. Why do so many people on here claim that I have said so many people WILL sign, why can't people read what I write rather than make their own assumptions!

6. My business and personal dealings are with people at ADUG, my passion for City is not why I meet these people - it is business first and City is a social discussion so what I hear is normally in confidence (those who understand Arab culture will know what I mean).

I really cannot believe or understand why people point fingers at me when so many other "ITK's" have been on here, spouted crap and get no flak at all - am I the only scape goat you can find?

I read this forum everyday and ignore 90% of the posts on here - if I can do that why can't the people who do not like what I have to say do the same - it's not f*&king rocket science is it!

So now I have opened up a new post - do what you want and let us see how quickly the MODS shut it down because some immature cretin decides to be abusive!

Finally, thank you to those (the majority) who PM me with messages of support, encouragement and who send me sensible questions, I will continue to reply to you all.

Thank you

PS: MODS - Please delete this post when you feel you need to as it is not a transfer post - I will not post any names or rumors on here!

i got rid of the wum thread, there was no need for it, it was just an attack on ajay.
when he posts the doubters have choices, read/ignore/believe/or not.
their choce, but they can't start banging there views on the rest of us, and to start a thread on it was pathetic.

FWIW i rate ajay's info.

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