Alan Hansen [Merged]

Can't wait to see the final MoTD of the season and Hansen's face if we do finish 4th.

There all so so so bitter, Lawrenson had it spot on when he said City will win the league in the next 3 years if we finish 4th. The silence in the room was brilliant.

City are getting stronger by the day and theres nothing the biased tools can do about it.
10.Goater_Legend said:
Can't wait to see the final MoTD of the season and Hansen's face if we do finish 4th.

There all so so so bitter, Lawrenson had it spot on when he said City will win the league in the next 3 years if we finish 4th. The silence in the room was brilliant.

City are getting stronger by the day and theres nothing the biased tools can do about it.

But see, what Lawrenson said there is what they're all fearing - if we get 4th it's the start of something big... where as they think Spuds will be a one season wonder.
Uber Blues said:
People need to look at this through the eyes of others. The fact is as ex scousers Hansen and Lawrenson know what the score is if we get 4th. It means we secure a platform to push on from, be that the premier league championship, and or European progress. They can't bare the thought of Liverpool being pushed out of the top four, hence all the crap being spouted about City on TV/Media in general. It is also bad news for the other top flight clubs as the cartel will be broken. If spuds get 4th, well great because its unlikely they will repeat the feet next season. If we get it, well it could just stick and thats bad for others such as liverpool who have already lost ground on us, never mind the top two!
What really chuffs me off is the fact the BBC has two heavily biased pundits talking us down, in order to try and kill off our chances. Well i hope we can get through Wednesday, and then West Ham and give these bad losers what they deserve. I love to see resolve tested to the full, thats when you see the true side of clubs/players and fans. I have a feeling certain clubs and their followers/media types of supporters are going to look as ugly as hell soon.

Agreed. If Liverpool finish outside top 4 they're screwed. In the grand scheme of things if we miss out it would be disappointing, but not a disaster. We've qualified for Europe in our own right for the first time since the 70's and that to me is good progress. If we manage to get 4th then fantastic. All the press are saying how bad it will be for football if we make the top 4. This is the same press that WILL be kissing our nuts when we are challenging for the title, and the champions league. This will happen sooner rather than later.
Annoying as all this shit is, it's better than watching the scum win the CL while we play in div2. Fuck em all and everything crossed for 6 more points.
what it is they are worrying about their own jobs, these guys have been on that station to long, they are transparent in their reasons of assesment of the games involving certain clubs, if liverpool become a midtable side then their employers just might say well it might be time for a change for some new guys to come in, ie ex players from the new top four side or sides? they really are the most miserable set of sour faced pundits i have ever watched?

AIQ88 said:

Boring game? Villa the better team? No English players stood out or played well!?

Clearly no-one in the studio actually watched the game. Just shown a few highlights by the production team and asked to make some comments. What a joke.
Sure it has been mentioned, but I hope the players are made aware of the the bile being spouted in the media and by that red-faced twitching cnut. Quotes from Hansen, Redknapp and the like should be plastered all over the dressing room, ought to be all the motivation needed for wednesday.
(Much as I hate to recall it, remember Fletcher saying how much Gary Cooke's (reported) comments spurred them on in the CC semi?)
bluemanc said:
I don't think he wants us to beat the spuds,the silence was deafening when Lawrenson said we would win the prem in 2 to 3 yrs if we get 4th this year.

This. He knows once we are in the top 4, the top 4 will forever be Rags, Chelsky, Arsenal and us. Liverpoo will be also-rans for decades.

I'm lovin' it. :-)
I have just logged on and not read many of the other comments, but what was Hansen on about? I watched the whole game live on Setanta, and we were MILES the better team, our passing was better, we had far more possession, at least in the first half. We played as we should have done against United, taking the game to the opposition at home with a positive attitude. Villa are a very direct team, but to my memory they only had two real chances in the game, the goal and Carew's shot off the bar. City were far more composed and didn't panic when we fell behind. TBH Villa showed heart but nothing more, I thought we were well worth a two or three goal margin victory. In the corresponding fixture at Villa Park, we were the better team as well. Hansen let himself down tonight in my opinion with his inaccurate take on the game

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