Alan Henning has been beheaded

Bigga said:
tregyblue61 said:
Bigga said:
In order to buy weapons, someone must sell them weapons. That 'someone' is usually the West. I even think the Black Market would think twice about selling sh*t to these Clowns.

Good people that see suffering may just have to wait to do good.

I hate the thought, but to save a life, ideally you should live.

Try Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplying funds and arms

Syrian Army supplied by Russia

You should keep in the current news.

Russia are talking about joining up to stop the threat of the Clowns(they have a very high Muslim population in the East, so they have a vested interest) and I believe the Saudis and Qatar-is have already flown mission against the Clowns.

I do keep in the news. Yes some Saudi involvement but limited as they are Sunni's and support their "Brothers." It's UAE aircraft that have been heavily involved in missions. Turkey and Jordon may be voting very soon to join the fight as they are seen as a "legitimate" target for IS.

Russia is only interested in keeping their Syrian puppet in power.

As for hostages. Yes, the French exchanged money for hostages but that did not stop a French tour guide from being beheaded in Algeria. The Turks exchanged "prisoners."

These are extreme Sunni's that we are dealing with. Anyone - including other Muslims - that don't share their view of the world are considered "unbelievers" and should be eliminated.
It's got fuck all to do with you what I do but if I was called up to fight I will . It's not me beheading innocent aid workers from my city. Why don't you jump on the next train to Northern Iraq and wave yer black flag about?

Sounds to me like you want to be a jihadist or let them get away with murdering innocent humans
intheknow! said:
mancityvstoke said:
Leaving them alone isn't going to happen

You gonna go fight are u or leave the dirty work to others while u cheer on from Manchester?

if hes not a solder its not his job, but im sure there are many in the army that now want to get stuck in after tonights events
Rascal said:
i kne albert davy said:
Rascal said:
RIP Alan nobody deserves what you have endured and im not a religious man but will think of you and your family tonight.

What i struggle to understand is that if ISIS want an Islamic state, why the fuck are we are involved anyway. Let them have one and deal with it after its established. Less deaths all round surely.

Surely we have grown up from the days of Richard The Lionheart and his idiotic crusades. Let them live how they want, its not our problem ffs.

The more we bomb we more we radicalise......its not fucking rocket science
Did this come direct from a Neville Chamberlain speech circa 1938.

You do realise in 1938 we dint bomb anyone

it was one of our better years
Yes it cost the lives of 40 million people less than 7 years later.
intheknow! said:
mancityvstoke said:
Leaving them alone isn't going to happen

You gonna go fight are u or leave the dirty work to others while u cheer on from Manchester?

Can't people have an opinion on a subject without you forcing your skewed opinion down their throat?
The 1940s saw us fight off the ideals of Hitler and the nazis who thought that they could dominate Europe from Moscow to London with their ideology of fascism - we fought them off- successfully- with guns and bombs .
From the 1940s to the 1990s we fought off the ideology of the soviets-successfully- with mutual threat and sabre rattling and the wall came down .
Freedom and democracy will prevail , because it is what people want. South Africa is a model for this - even now people in Hong Kong are on the streets demanding it.
They can form any state they want , but in the end they have to deal with the rest of the world , they have to trade and live with the rest of us. We can bomb them now , or we can blockade them later , either way , blood will be spilled but in the end they cannot impose their will on the unwilling.
intheknow! said:
You cannot defeat religious inspired ideology of Holy War with Military means, it aint happening.

If it were possible then Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Libya etc etc would not be in the state they are.

Tell me is the Middle East better and more stable now than before Blair and Bush started their invasions? Hosni Mubarak warned Bush before the Iraq war,do not invade because you will open the gates of hell. Pretty accurate imo. The Middle East is a basket case, its cost us a fortune in money and lives. Death for Jihadists is what they seek, they want either victory or to be a matyr a shaheed. They are not working class boys enlisting in the Army, for a career.

Great post. fucking great post

Why the fuck are we involved? Its fuck all to do with with us what they want from there lives and who the fuck are we to tell them its the right and proper way to behave. And we fucking bomb them for having ideals we dont agree with...that to to me is fucking shameful

Im not a great student of middle eastern politics but i kow we as in the UK with our friends has fucked the region up big time.

I heard on twitter today that Sweden was going to the first state to recognise Palestine. ..... Im not a student of the conflict there but i hope many other countries do as we need peace not conflict

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