Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I was off it for about 8 weeks. Went away on a few trips and was on it. Since coming back I tell myself “diet and drop the beer from next week”, so I binge until next week. But next week hasn’t come yet
Hence the username:)
I’ve had 2 nights drinking in 3 weeks now. Feel like I’m really getting on top of it now and not missing it. Up to 110 booze free days this year so far and not far off my 150 target. So cracking on to hit that. Next year I am hopeful that it will one or two days a week drink and the rest don’t.
Every little helps, as they say.
Been back on it for months now,currently sat in a pub on my second on my last day day off,got slaughtered yesterday and was asleep by 7pm,back in work at 6am tomorrow,the same boxing day.
Been back on it for months now,currently sat in a pub on my second on my last day day off,got slaughtered yesterday and was asleep by 7pm,back in work at 6am tomorrow,the same boxing day.
I’ve been drinking every day this week except Wednesday. Although not in the quantities I used to; plus I’ve pretty much knocked the whisky on the head, which has made a huge difference to my alcohol intake.

Going to try and not drink for the first three months of the new year. I’ve managed a month (there or thereabouts) before but this will be a serious challenge. I think the health benefits will be huge though and I want to give my liver some serious respite, plus try and lose a stone and a half which will make a massive difference in lots of respects. I was told to cut back earlier this year, and I have, but I think we’re all good at kidding ourselves and a three month break has a sense of binary to it which will avoid me being able to do that.

I will miss it though. I’ve never wanted to stop. My relationship with alcohol, the health risks apart, has never been an unhealthy one. I fucking love the stuff, and the effect it has on me, but I know I need to continue to exercise increasing control over it if I’m going to be healthy as I age.
I am on 156 booze free days this year now. Happy with that but been enjoying a few this week as off work now.

Like @gordondaviesmoustache I like it and have never been one to completely overdo it but could quite happily have three quarters of a bottle of red everyday. I had about 10 booze free days in 2022 which was quite a stressful one for me with my mums health failing and then her death.

Going to give dry January a pop and then take it from there. Could really do with losing a bit of weight this year. Cutting down the booze has led to me eating more crap I think so whilst down a couple of pounds over the year, cutting back on the booze hasn’t had a major effect on my weight.
I’ve been drinking every day this week except Wednesday. Although not in the quantities I used to; plus I’ve pretty much knocked the whisky on the head, which has made a huge difference to my alcohol intake.

Going to try and not drink for the first three months of the new year. I’ve managed a month (there or thereabouts) before but this will be a serious challenge. I think the health benefits will be huge though and I want to give my liver some serious respite, plus try and lose a stone and a half which will make a massive difference in lots of respects. I was told to cut back earlier this year, and I have, but I think we’re all good at kidding ourselves and a three month break has a sense of binary to it which will avoid me being able to do that.

I will miss it though. I’ve never wanted to stop. My relationship with alcohol, the health risks apart, has never been an unhealthy one. I fucking love the stuff, and the effect it has on me, but I know I need to continue to exercise increasing control over it if I’m going to be healthy as I age.
I went from my workplace to another part of the hospital last week,to see my mum who was in for five days,one of the HCA's recognised me from where she used to work in a pub i drank in,she's now an HCA and hadn't seen me or I her for ten years,and said " you look excactly the same ". I'm slim and don't appear to age , all the months i cleaned up I didn't feel one bit different health wise,nothing zero benefits mentally or pyhsically.It did effect me mentally and made me more depressed and cynical etc.

I know what I'm doing to myself and don't care.its a price I pay.

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