Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

I changed Doctors recently as my previous practice will not see patients face to face and as I have heart arrhythmia (since 30, now 64) I should be checked annually.

Anyway, to cut a long story short I’d not had an invite to review my medication which I was told pre Covid was unsuitable for me.

So, I changed Doctors (they’re very good) and I went for bloods and a review last Friday. First off, Blood Pressure, reading was 215/97, the Nurse said “I have to tell you, you may need an ambulance to Ashton Hospital”. She did an ECG, downloaded on a modem and after an anxious wait a person on the end of the test said my heart was beating within normal parameters.

I can’t lie, I was absolutely terrified The Doctor was consulted and I’m now on an additional med to get my BP down (need more but Kidney test required).

Here’s the relevant part (sorry for waffling on), I was grilled about my lifestyle, never smoked, bit overweight now but drink, however I have weeks off, last one was 12 weeks ending just before the FA Cup final. I’ve had a few weeks on the pop, Wembley, Istanbul, golf holiday and generally drank too much for a man of my age. I admitted this, I do struggle with anxiety and sometimes I use the drink as a crutch. I was told in no uncertain terms not to drink until after my next review on the 9th October as the alcohol was almost certainly a major factor contributing to my high BP. I was told I was a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen and I was lucky they have diagnosed this, hopefully, early enough for me to help myself.

Tbh, my aim now is to give up the alcohol and change my lifestyle completely, I’ve had one year of retirement, I don’t want it to be my last. There’s a lot of inspirational people on here, I’m going to try and use your experiences to help me through, I never want to be so frightened again.

You'll probably miss the alcohol but you just have to remember that some things in life have to be sacrificed for the good of your health. Good luck with it, mate. Go for lots of walks. no matter what the weather's good for your health and your mind.
You'll probably miss the alcohol but you just have to remember that some things in life have to be sacrificed for the good of your health. Good luck with it, mate. Go for lots of walks. no matter what the weather's good for your health and your mind.
Cheers pal, I’ve done time off in the past but always with an end date of when I can go for a beer. This time I’m not putting any time frame on it, my goal is to lose a bit of tripe and get the BP way down. I play golf so I’m not inactive but as you say a good walk seems to be excellent advice, thanks.
It's a much kinder, calmer life. And that's just in your own head. Watching City sober was a bit strange at first, now I wish I'd done it so much earlier. You're able to appreciate us and how we play on a completely different level. I never stop grinning when I watch us play, all I did when I drank was miss the game as I'd either be out of it or waiting for the 90th so I could run to the pub.

Good luck, always here for a chat no matter the time of day.
That’s very kind of you, much appreciated as are all the replies, I’m finding out so much and realise at my age I was kind of committing a slow suicide (not being morbid). One of my mates who I sit with at the match had his gall bladder removed about 5 weeks ago, he had to change his lifestyle so we can support each other, he said in the phone when I spoke to him, “we can’t do what we used to do” so bloody true, we’ve been like a minor version of Oliver Reed!!

1 month off booze starts today and i'm really relived for it.
been really having some heavy/late drinking sessions lately and it's made me feel awful. affected my mood and running and other activities and not been there enough with my kids
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Entire Sunday written off after disgusting session Saturday, was pissed off after result and got ridiculously drunk, not making it home until early hours of morning. Off the booze for a couple of months, my body will appreciate the break
1 month off booze starts today and i'm really relived for it.
been really having some heavy/late drinking sessions lately and it's made me feel awful. affected my mood and running and other activities and not been there enough with my kids
Don’t answer if you don’t want BH but how did your Dad’s appointment go last Monday?
I got out of the habit of doing away days after lockdown. Sort of realised I was doing them out of habit to be honest.
I also went on a bit of a health kick starting to swim and later starting to run. I stopped drinking on the days before exercising to avoid feeling rubbish.
Also, in terms of both home matches & gigs, I stopped drinking pre event to actually remember what I was watching & avoid having to pee every few minutes.
I still drink socially, but mainly to try different real ales and craft beers, but only usually do it once, and ocassionally twice a week.
Last Saturday, was one of the cheapest home game days in a long time. I walked from town to the ground and back, had no booze all day, ate at home before and after the match, so only ended up spending money on a cup of tea at the ground to stay hydrated!
The end result is that I'm saving more money, sleeping better, losing weight and getting more out of my exercise.
So I went to Wolves Saturday and didn't drink. I was up at 6:45 walked 3 miles then went and met the coach which set off at 9:30 then in the pub from 12 before KO. I felt good for not drinking and wasn't tempted either. I'm not going to give it up forever just wanted to lose weight and try to control it abit instead of drinking in the routine of match day = drink all day but how I am feeling now I don't think I ever want to suffer another hangover!
Clothes are fitting better, I'm also sleeping loads better. 34 days and counting. Arsenal away, Brighton home and United away to come...
Don’t answer if you don’t want BH but how did your Dad’s appointment go last Monday?

No probs, thanks for asking.
He has stomach cancer and it's spread to his lung.
he finds out tomorrow the treatment plan, what stage he's at and will need chemo.

this is the first season he's not gone hammers since early 60's, he's normally upbeat and happy but is sheltered away and it's hard to speak to him at moment. hopefully after tomorrow and he knows plan will be able to see him.
I find it much harder to moderate drinking than I do to just stay dry.

There's a saying which is along the lines of:
When I have one drink, I turn into a different person. And that person drinks a lot...

That's me. I sort of admire people who can moderate but then I remember the effect that even a little alcohol has on me and I remind myself that it's all or nothing

I'm sort of like that I feel like I'm all or nothing so if I go somewhere I never have 1 pint so I stay off it, but If I was going out I'd have loads and end up out late, so just wanted to try control that alot more and sort of reset myself where I don't think right I'm out for the whole night and just hammer it.

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