I've gone to sleep pissed or at least mildly pissed for the last 3 years. Kept telling myself every morning that today was going to be last day, but it never happened. I was easily spending about £100 a week on booze and even when I was told my blood pressure was dangerously high I still carried on.
Thats until I got what I think was virus back end of last week. Cold sweats, shivering, vomiting, dihorea, the lot. Friday and Saturday were grim and obviously I did'nt drink. Felt a bit better Sunday but still alcohol was'nt on my list of priorities. Woke up monday feeling right as rain and thought, you know what I've just gone the last three nights without any booze, whay dont I carry it on. So I did, and I have. No alcohol since thursday with a virus induced abstinence. So far so good, as they say.