Alcohol, hints, tips, advice etc.

Your point about spirits ,when I was in my prime about 15 pints a day the Mrs dragged me to the doctors for a blood test ,the thinking was showing me my liver and kidneys were fucked would shock me into stopping .
When the results came back they weren't too bad not fucked she was gutted and couldn't understand why ,the doctor explained it's the spirits that do the damage and I was only doing industrial amounts of lager ,
Since stopping later blood tests have shown their functions back to normal ,quite remarkable realy
Great news they are back to normal, my cousin got heavy on spirits for a couple of months and it absolutely destroyed him, he just wasted away to nothing as wasn't eating properly. He's now sorted and been AF for over 2 years. But from seeing the damage done first hand it's very scary
Great news they are back to normal, my cousin got heavy on spirits for a couple of months and it absolutely destroyed him, he just wasted away to nothing as wasn't eating properly. He's now sorted and been AF for over 2 years. But from seeing the damage done first hand it's very scary
Hiding the empty vodka bottles in my work bag and chucking them in the bin by the bus stop early in the morning. On a daily basis. "It's vodka, they won't smell it." Who was I trying to kid?

Mental how that stuff controls you until you show it the fucking door.
Great news they are back to normal, my cousin got heavy on spirits for a couple of months and it absolutely destroyed him, he just wasted away to nothing as wasn't eating properly. He's now sorted and been AF for over 2 years. But from seeing the damage done first hand it's very scary
When I was hammering the vodka I was a wreck physically.
I can't really explain it without sounding over dramattical, but I'll try, and hopefully it might help anyone who might be heading this way.
I was totally dependent, it's all I thought about, when I wasn't drinking I was thinking about when I could drink again. It almost, almost, got to the stage where I was considering drinking at work, or on the way home from work, in the car.
I'd book a week off, and just drink. Pathetic.
I would hardly eat, the odd pot noodle or ginsters pasty. Played havoc with the bowels, I was pissing brown water out my arse. Every fart was a follow through. I had to put a towel on the bed at night. Shameful, but absolutely true I'm afraid.
I'd be in the offy at 10am. I used to rotate the offys so they wouldn't cotton on to what I was.
I'd go days without showering or even brushing my teeth, or shaving.
I was a total fucking mess, but I didn't care, as long as I could drink I thought I was happy.
Friends and family, and social engagements became an inconvenient annoyance, as they got in the way of my selfish drinking regime. Little by little I managed to ostricise these people from my life, I'd gone from letting people down, to just fucking them off in the end.
Most, if not all, didn't even know I'd got a problem, because in social situations I'd lie through my teeth and not drink, saying I was having a week or two off the beer. In reality I couldn't wait to get home and smash a litre of smirnoff.
Believe it or not, quitting spirits, for me, was like quitting alcohol. I still have a beer or 3 when I fancy it, and I consider that to be a decent compromise, for now.
Sorry for the ramble, hope everyone is winning their personal battles.
Hiding the empty vodka bottles in my work bag and chucking them in the bin by the bus stop early in the morning. On a daily basis. "It's vodka, they won't smell it." Who was I trying to kid?

Mental how that stuff controls you until you show it the fucking door.
I remember talking to you when you started your journey,you have done really well,there's so many things in your life you carnt control ,but deciding to put crap down your neck each night you can control ,
I look at it as fuck you booze im in control now
Reading the posts about doing dry January is both positive and annoying as an ex functioning alcoholic ,you obviously know you have a problem but it's a half arsed attempt to sort it ,it's like see I can do it ,but you obviously carnt as it's getting it's hooks back in in Feb
Just need to keep it going the benifits far out way the negatives
I remember talking to you when you started your journey,you have done really well,there's so many things in your life you carnt control ,but deciding to put crap down your neck each night you can control ,
I look at it as fuck you booze im in control now
Reading the posts about doing dry January is both positive and annoying as an ex functioning alcoholic ,you obviously know you have a problem but it's a half arsed attempt to sort it ,it's like see I can do it ,but you obviously carnt as it's getting it's hooks back in in Feb
Just need to keep it going the benifits far out way the negatives
I recall our chats which were very helpful at such an early stage for me. I am so happy that I made my decision to quit and am very appreciative of the help this forum gave and still gives.
When I was hammering the vodka I was a wreck physically.
I can't really explain it without sounding over dramattical, but I'll try, and hopefully it might help anyone who might be heading this way.
I was totally dependent, it's all I thought about, when I wasn't drinking I was thinking about when I could drink again. It almost, almost, got to the stage where I was considering drinking at work, or on the way home from work, in the car.
I'd book a week off, and just drink. Pathetic.
I would hardly eat, the odd pot noodle or ginsters pasty. Played havoc with the bowels, I was pissing brown water out my arse. Every fart was a follow through. I had to put a towel on the bed at night. Shameful, but absolutely true I'm afraid.
I'd be in the offy at 10am. I used to rotate the offys so they wouldn't cotton on to what I was.
I'd go days without showering or even brushing my teeth, or shaving.
I was a total fucking mess, but I didn't care, as long as I could drink I thought I was happy.
Friends and family, and social engagements became an inconvenient annoyance, as they got in the way of my selfish drinking regime. Little by little I managed to ostricise these people from my life, I'd gone from letting people down, to just fucking them off in the end.
Most, if not all, didn't even know I'd got a problem, because in social situations I'd lie through my teeth and not drink, saying I was having a week or two off the beer. In reality I couldn't wait to get home and smash a litre of smirnoff.
Believe it or not, quitting spirits, for me, was like quitting alcohol. I still have a beer or 3 when I fancy it, and I consider that to be a decent compromise, for now.
Sorry for the ramble, hope everyone is winning their personal battles.
Wow when you hear that, it really is an eye opener, you are doing brilliant mate considering the circumstances.

Possibly the most dangerous drug of them all, when you hear your story and Mark it makes me angry that it is glamorrised so much. Hopefully by the time my kids are an age fir drinking they'll be much better informed and there will be less positive messaging from society
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Hiding the empty vodka bottles in my work bag and chucking them in the bin by the bus stop early in the morning. On a daily basis. "It's vodka, they won't smell it." Who was I trying to kid?

Mental how that stuff controls you until you show it the fucking door.
Whisky was the downfall for both my parents. When dad died we found 20 plus empty bottles hidden everywhere. At their peak they were drinking a bottle a night each.
I love a drink, as I’ve posted on here previously, but I absolutely hate when cunts do this, either to me when I’m not drinking, or to others. Actually end up being really abrupt with people if they ask more than once. I think it’s the height of bad manners, selfish, self-absorbed and lacking in empathy. If someone says no to a drink, they will have their reasons, whatever they are, and that should be the end of it.
Fancy a pint?
Whisky was the downfall for both my parents. When dad died we found 20 plus empty bottles hidden everywhere. At their peak they were drinking a bottle a night each.
That's very sad, when it gets to the point you are hiding it there must be massive alarm bells ringing that you need help.

My Grandma was a huge drinker, she drank GIN and IT. It was the death of her sadly, the strange thing is I never once seen her drunk.
That's very sad, when it gets to the point you are hiding it there must be massive alarm bells ringing that you need help.

My Grandma was a huge drinker, she drank GIN and IT. It was the death of her sadly, the strange thing is I never once seen her drunk.
Yes. I think he was past the point of no return by then sadly. My mum never had a hangover as she just became tolerant to it. The damage it did to her health though, both physically and mentally was huge.

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