
I haven't had a drink in about 5 years and can't say I've missed it. I was medically forced to stop, but it wasn't difficult and I feel a lot better for it.
Don't think I'm an alcoholic but I'm up in 6 hours for work and wish if never set eyes on a beer. I'll go through tomorrow in a wreck and vow never to drink again and dream of simple life like watching movies at home with nice food..but as soon as hangover has worn off and someone suggests something or I've just had enough of work, I'll be back riding that cask again as always
Hi, my name's Dan....I'm an alcoholic

I'll be 50 in dec but ate acid and shrooms at the weekend, don't smoke much pot anymore these days eerrrh had a great time though..honest

will just have a swifty one hitter though as it's such a beautiful evening
I work/live on ships (freighters) for 6 months a year in what would be classified as the coastal (Great Lakes) trade. Alcohol is not allowed, period. Since the Exxon Valdez fucked it up for all us sailors, things have changed. Having said all of that, a zero tolerance scheme is detrimental to people. The job is not a good one and no matter what you do, there comes a day when you need to decompress. Office types may disagree, but until you've worked in an industrial environment, you will not know how it feels. And if you say you do and you don't need a drink after being yelled at for 4hrs in 35*C heat then you need your head checked.

I am an alcoholic, simply through the fact that I love the taste of beer. It's amazing, different variations on malts, hops, yeast, water. I route my vacations around City and breweries. I will not change and nor do I want to. If I die an early death through liver failure or whatever then so be it, I have loved what I do on my free time and I feel I have worked enough to warrant it.
These threads always make me think I should drink less. I aim not to drink mon tues and wed and if nothing happening Thursday don't bother then either but fri sat and sun whether I'm staying in or going out it's almost compulsory. No I wouldn't like to have to give alcohol up altogether I do genuinely like the taste of a really dry wine. I find this sunny weather makes people want to drink more

Having said that I quite like alcohol free Becks and if someone bought me that all night without telling me I'd happily drink it and have a good time (yes this has happened)
I drink virtually every night. From 7:30 onwards. I'd like to think its linked to my mood and boredom. I definitely want it more when I'm fed up, but I must be fed up every night if that's the case.

Put it this way though, if they made alcohol cheap and liver friendly i'd drink it like tea.
I probably am an alcoholic. I can't tolerate too much beer as I can sometimes get pissed frighteningly quickly. Other times not at all.

One of the reasons I drink is because I associate it with leisure time and one of life's rewards for finishing a working week.

Cut right down the last 18 months but am not counting the days religiously.
I can live without it. But it's taking responsibility, having a balanced lifestyle and drinking in moderation.

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