I like him. I think Boris is an unteachable student. He'll do it his way whatever. Pannick's given him the right strategy. Show your respect. Demonstrate it! You have a shot at a defence to avoid the worst.
Boris, however, is fighting for something else. You can see it in his inability to resist the impulse to throw his weight around at the first sign of his being pinned. That, for me, is the entire Brexit Boris dynamic.
He had enough, with that political moment, and the numbers invested in it, to make it work. But now he's just like all the rest. And he hasn't adapted - It's possible this will go a lot further for him and some of the acolytes.
I think he's going to struggle with never being that important again. Every time it's made clear to him that he really isn't running things, that consequences are the same for him as everyone else, it will get him back in the mood to prove, against all reality, that it is still 2018. And he can get away with anything, just as he felt he could, when he had all that momentum behind him, and all that power to play with.
He'll never stop wanting to believe that it was his personality and genius that made it all possible. That it's his enduring character and power that allows for him to escape and blather through things. But it isn't, because it wasn't true back then. It was simply the effect of his being the figurehead of a particular cause at the time that gave him the power that made it possible. Then that power was taken from him.
It appears far, far too much to admit that, because it's hardly a jump from there to think that all he ever actually did was to identify Brexit and all the complications as the perfect platform for him to use opportunistically, to bolster his own status and ego. It's hardly a jump from there to realising that all any of it means about him, is that he was the only one who wouldn't stop themselves from using that moment in such an irresponsible way.
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