Alexis Sanchez

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It could be that City & Arsenal's negotiators just haven't been on the same wavelength all summer.

I was once involved a negotiation which dragged on, was extremely acrimonious, came close to breaking down a couple of times, but was ultimately successful. Leaving me feeling smugly satisfied about my negotiating skills. A couple of years later I bumped into the other party's lead negotiator at a social event. We'd both left our previous companies by then, decided to bury the hatchet and discussed the deal over a few drinks, asking each other questions of the "what did you mean when you said..?" type. It turned out that we'd been at cross purposes nearly all of the time, completely failing to understand the other party's negotiating strategy. We'd each sent subtle, or not so subtle, signals which had been missed or misunderstood. We'd postured and bluffed to no effect. We'd both thought that the other side was bluffing when they were being straight forward. It was a miracle that the deal actually went through.

I get the impression that both City and Arsenal might have misunderstood each other's negotiating position throughout this transfer window.

Yeah good post. I certainly get your point. I think that definitely came into it yesterday.

I feel we should have been more ruthless though and got it boxed off earlier. We left them with little time on the final day to sign.
I am really astonished at Arsenal. They played us big time but I just don't get what they got doing all this bulls**t. Only a group full of utter psychos would do what the Arses did yesterday.
I'm tempted to preface my answer with the word [sigh] because posts of this type have been answered ad nauseam already, but as you're a top chap I'll refrain....

1. Up until about a week ago Arsenal have been unequivocal that Sanchez would not be sold to a rival.
2. Prior to that they'd tried without success to hawk him off to both Bayern and PSG. Sanchez's response was to deliberately and obviously sabotage those attempts by making ludicrous wage demands that he knew wouldn't be granted.
3. Against this backdrop there was no point in City making a bid. The media would have gone to town on us for 'bullying' Arsenal, and Wenger would have hammed it up as the humble boss just trying to do his best in the face of our unwanted attentions. Besides we had no need to bid at that stage as we were aware of Sanchez's desires and intentions.
4. After the debacle at Klanfield the penny may have dropped re the folly of expecting wantaway players to give their all, and Arsenal let it be known that they might be open to offers.
5. Realising that said folly had left them with no time to scout a suitable replacement and facing a shit storm from fans, they suddenly dreamt up the ridiculous caveat that any bid from City would have to be part exchange.
6. City rightly laughed this suggestion out of town hence the Hail Mary overbid for Lemar on deadline day.
7. Cocooned in his bubble Wenger then used Lemar's 'fuck off' as the excuse to pull the plug on the Sanchez deal, deluding himself that the fans would 'buy into' his efforts to get a top replacement.

City played a near perfect hand in this, the only fly in the ointment being they failed to sufficiently legislate for the fact they were negotiating with a complete twit. In no way was yesterday's farce our fault

Arsenal take the lion's share of responsibility for the fuck up but I dont agree City are blameless. I fail to understand the logic in City not going public earlier. The failure to do so just gave Wenger the opportunity to give a Gallic shrug and say no bids received. An initial bid would almost certainly have been rejected but Arsenal would have been forced to deal with it. It also would have given the player some leverage to put Wenger under real pressure. In its absence Wenger could serenely squat all enquiries away with nothing to see here. Far from playing a blinder, we played a poor hand and lessons should be learned.
Arsenal take the lion's share of responsibility for the fuck up but I dont agree City are blameless. I fail to understand the logic in City not going public earlier. The failure to do so just gave Wenger the opportunity to give a Gallic shrug and say no bids received. An initial bid would almost certainly have been rejected but Arsenal would have been forced to deal with it. It also would have given the player some leverage to put Wenger under real pressure. In its absence Wenger could serenely squat all enquiries away with nothing to see here. Far from playing a blinder, we played a poor hand and lessons should be learned.

Well we disagree completely, and the sheer idiocy of Arsenal's stance will be seen in the coming months
All from yesterday as I understand:




I don't normally buy into all the body language talk but that first one says it all.
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