Alexis Sanchez

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Sanchez then.
Have you never thought why he could be special to even sign him aged 29?
Sit back and think again. Maybe time for a next break.
We are in a fantastic position as a football club. We can within reason cherry pick the transfer market. Sanchez was one of the outstanding talents in the Premier League for a few years. He still is a very good player but for the next 3 years we can do better.

PSG bought Neymar in the Summer. Then Mbappe. Those are the types of players I would like City to sign. Next Summer we wont be faced with re-building an entire defence, we can buy the very best. Sanchez is no longer the very best and his game is not quite as good as it was. You have to very careful about buying forwards at that age: think Owen, Fowler, RVP, Rooney etc. I maybe wrong. I agree it is time for another break, the replies indicate that.
We are in a fantastic position as a football club. We can within reason cherry pick the transfer market. Sanchez was one of the outstanding talents in the Premier League for a few years. He still is a very good player but for the next 3 years we can do better.

PSG bought Neymar in the Summer. Then Mbappe. Those are the types of players I would like City to sign. Next Summer we wont be faced with re-building an entire defence, we can buy the very best. Sanchez is no longer the very best and his game is not quite as good as it was. You have to very careful about buying forwards at that age: think Owen, Fowler, RVP, Rooney etc. I maybe wrong. I agree it is time for another break, the replies indicate that.

It all depends with Sanchez and if he is fine with the rotation and not being a guaranteed starter. I wasn't overly keen on him coming in but with Jesus getting injured and Sane's form dipping I would be happy with it. I can see Aguero leaving in the summer and us buying again hopefully a young world class talent.
We are in a fantastic position as a football club. We can within reason cherry pick the transfer market. Sanchez was one of the outstanding talents in the Premier League for a few years. He still is a very good player but for the next 3 years we can do better.

PSG bought Neymar in the Summer. Then Mbappe. Those are the types of players I would like City to sign. Next Summer we wont be faced with re-building an entire defence, we can buy the very best. Sanchez is no longer the very best and his game is not quite as good as it was. You have to very careful about buying forwards at that age: think Owen, Fowler, RVP, Rooney etc. I maybe wrong. I agree it is time for another break, the replies indicate that.

I am not aware of a better alternative for Sanchez in terms of

- variability throughout the forward line
- ball touch
- finishing qualities: crosses, free kicks, shots on goal
- work rate and character
- running the high press
- winner's mentality
- constant high level performance (forget the post transfer bust-up months!)
- transfer fee

Best yet to come: he wants to join us, just us. Would you believe, how lucky we are!

I wouldn't want that diva Neymar at City, not even for a low price. HE is a threat to a team's stability, not Sanchez. IMO.
Mbappe didn't join City! PSG have an option to sign him for 166m on a permanent next summer. GBP.
Makes sense to not make contact over Sanchez till after their game with Chelsea tomorrow. Leave him there to help arsenal take points off our rivals. If Jesus is out for months then I think we need to try to bring him in before the end of this month.
All are quality players. Aguero is already on our books. I would not advocate buying him now. It's the trajectory of the players games that's important. I think Gundogan has been good recently. Bernardo looks like he's settling in to.

Sorry Dribble, there's no point me contributing to this topic. See comment above. I thought a break might make a difference. It didn't.
You're as much of a Blue as the rest of us @Marvin, so please disregard those who believe they have more of a right to comment & share their points of view than you do.

For instance, over Xmas there was a heated debate whereby some of our fans started displaying the Ultimate Raggish behaviour by claiming if VVD turned City down for any other club, he'd be doing it for more money, or because he was scared he wasn't good enough for a regular place, & that if he wanted success & titles, he'd be mad to turn us down for any other club. JUST like the Rags, Dippers & Arsenal fans used to say about us.

What happened? Two days later, VVD signed for Liverpool! Are those psuedo-raggish fans of ours any less Blues? No! Our fan base comes in all different shapes, colours, sizes, religions & sexual orientations, but we're all united by the collective love of our team.

You carry on posting Marvin. I may not agree with you on Sanchez, but we have more in common, than divides us. And to those who are seemingly rounding up on you as an easy target, go fuck yourselves & knock it the fuck on the head.

It wasn't that long ago, this forum fell into open warfare just because some of us felt differently about Pellegrini than a certain group of other posters. I honestly thought this forum had moved on from singling out individuals or groups of fans who saw things differently.

OK @Marvin, we'll agree to disagree regarding Sanchez, so let's look to the positives.

We need reinforcements now. You don't want Sanchez & believe we are good enough to limp to the end of the season with the squad we have.

You say you want to wait until the summer & for us to buy a new younger forward. You've even we suggested we wait until the World Cup before we make our decision.

Taking all of this into account, who would you suggest we go for?
I think a large part of people reticence to welcome him with open arms is how much he has seemingly downed tools at Arsenal. I think most of us are thinking "well if he did this to get to Pep would he do it again due to being asked to play outside of his normal position etc or had to see the bench for a few matches".

That is my concern anyway. I hope it is unfounded and his actions recently are genuinely because he felt screwed over by Arsenal and has deep resentment tot them.
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