Alexis Sanchez

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As far as pieces of paranoia go, this is a work of art. No one minds what City 'has become' as you put it. City is a wealthy club with a great squad and vast resources. It's clearly one of the leading title contenders and no one begrudges you that. Your sense of belittlement is therefore false and unwarranted.

As for the press, they are hardly London teams biased with a number of journos either from the north or northern team supporting.

Given the negative publicity this last year I could easily argue and more convincingly thatthe press were largely anti Arsenal.

If the claims of Sanchez wanting £400k a week are true it's more likely a ploy by his agent to seek his release but who knows?

Anyway, this boo hoo paranoia moaning everyone is being beastly to City is not only delusional but risible too.

Sorry but this is utterley ridiculous.

"no one minds what City has become" Try reading not only the fan forums of the old guard, yours included, where the sense of entitlement drowns out any reason but the majority of journo's who were brought up on supporting and agrandising the old top 3 can't wait to have a dig a City.

Can you imagine the witch hunt in the press that would be conducted if City had paid £100mill for Pogba and next season were going to pay the same for Lukaku yet the rags get lauded for good busines????

Chelsea went through a similar process but when they were admitted to the " top 4 club" and the old guard could still qualify for the CL and keep that monetary gap between themselves and the also rans it faded away.

When City were taken over and it rapidly became obvious that the old order was gone forever the collective howls of anguishfrom the top 4 fans could be heard loud and clear.

We've had to endure FFP, which now has been effectively dropped, when it became obvious that it wasn't stopping us and was restircting new owners in Europe from spending.

Paranoia is imagined ills ours certainly aren't
That was some game that.
Four down after about 20 minutes or so I think?

Regardless of you allegiance to City, it was impossible to remain sat down. You had to acknowledge them. And Vieira applauded us back when he took a corner. Cheeky get!
We were pleading with David Seaman to stop making save after save and let one in, he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. I also remember arrogant gooners before the Adebayor game trying to goad blues at the Etihad.
if "no-one minded what we have become" then when we come to pick up their best players, they'd just roll over and let us tickle their tummy like Dortmund/Schalke do whenever Bayern come knocking, because it's their rightful place and Germany needs a strong Bayern in the CL.

Instead you vilify our club and the player, and are willing to use bullying tactics that would drive most normal people to depression and suicide, It's testament to the likes of Sterling really that they seem to handle it so well. The sheer vitriol and hatred in the media, the fact no-one fights our corner and the fact the referees screwed us out of virtually every important game going last season, including 2 against you, just says it all. They'd rather cheat and have other teams cheat to win the title just so we can't. Just because we're a better club and better people than you'll ever be.
It's funny how people say meaningless things. Who do they think he's going to play for when he leaves? Alaves? Bastia? Wolves? He's going to end up at a big team even if it's not City. They might as well say "We're not selling him." But they're obviously not that sure so they tag on a meaningless qualification. If they don't sell him to a rival, he'll go to one for nothing.
As it happens, I was actually at that game and Adebayors antics that day were hardly excusable. Some of the fans were rightly incensed by his provocation after scoring against us but it's hard to disagree with the view that the behaviour of some of our fans as shown in your post was silly to put it mildly.
I'd say embarrassing and if you was there like you claim,you would've heard the absolute vile shit being thrown at Adebayor.
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