Alexis Sanchez

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You need the translation.

Chilean international recently seen chatting with Guardiola eating celery with a vinegar sauce

Manchester City's new project has forced Alexis Sanchez to tell Arsenal to JOG ON a second time. Those bastards the Citizens were heard to say that Arsenal's counterattacking superathletes are practically fucked and have a verbal agreement to supply the club with avocados next season in part payment. The cost of shipping the delicious fruit will be about 50 million quid plus wages. In a recent conversation with Pep Guardiola the Chilayan international was overheard saying that he'd decided that all Londoners were dicks and he wished the negotiatiors would hurry up. The Spanish trainer wants to sign a goalkeeper from Antigua as well. The contract signed with Arsenal in 2014 runs out in June 2018 and despite saying no to Barcelona three times, I'll eat an ape's arse if he signs a new contract with them. Convinced he'll renew, the Gunners fans have been making spunk tents but they're embarrassed now he's told them to jog on and Manchester City have rented the player rooms in Parrs Wood.
Haha good one
Chris Wheatley (Goal's correspondent for Arsenal) during an AMA at Arsenal's subreddit on the Sanchez's transfer -

"Alexis has made a mutual decision with his agent Fernando Felicevich to leave Arsenal. Manchester City's 'confidence' stems from the fact that their manager has had conversations with the player who has told him he wants to join City. However, the £400k-a-week talk is false and Arsenal have made a very respectable contract offer to Alexis.

I still don't think Arsenal will let Alexis leave until they've brought in a replacement so I'd expect this one to drag on until the end of the transfer window.

It's worth remembering that Alexis has no real connection to Arsenal, whereas in comparison Mesut Ozil - who is close to Arsene Wenger, loves London, has loads of friends here - would probably find leaving the club more of an emotional decision."

even then he's met with denial and accusations of parrotting city information and not arsenal.

they'r'e kinda sad.
You have to laugh at their pretentious fans. They've forgotten the cup finals against Sheffield Wednesday in the 90s. Three of the most atrocious games of football you'll ever see. They should have been expelled from the league. Andy Linighan and all. George 'PaperBag' Graham at the helm. Now they think their farts smell of roses.
The idea that you can seriously state that Arsenal fans have some sort of identical collective psyche is ridiculous. Call out specific posts from individual fans if you must but leave this nonsense behind. By the way, where were you when you were (shall we say) less than good? (That last bit is a joke - hope you can see the funny side)

FFS, can you not legislate for a little dramatic licence? If you want to be literal then 'no', Arsenal fans do not possess a unique collective psyche; very obviously they are not the Borg. However, my experience of them (and living in London - despite my name tag - I know a fair few), both personally, remotely (listening to phone-ins, etc etc), and courtesy of their representatives in the media - both national and in-house productions - is that they very much do have a majority tendency to the view that Arsenal are grand old traditionalists steeped in 'history', and that City are undeserving upstarts who haven't 'earned' anything and never won a bean prior to 2008.
The definition of 'earned' is never examined of course, cash injections of the type afforded Arsenal by Danny Friszman are always forgotten, the fact that for well over a decade they benefited from a massive financial advantage over your City's, your Villa's, your Everton's and your West Ham's, courtesy of a carefully manipulated seedings system in a virtual cartel of a competition, is ignored in the grand scheme of things. Never mind the self perpetuation aspect, Arsenal 'deserved' to be in the Champions League every season, and to reap the respect that came with it, City did not.
Anyway, that mindset is what I'm talking about.
I would agree with GDM that Arsenal get the second worse media coverage in this country. Part of that stems from their historical battles with Trafford Town, circa 1997-2005, when Wenger inevitably became cast as the whipping boy in his ongoing rivallry with Taggart (the latter for clickbait reasons even then had to be portrayed as the master, the King of mind games and all the rest of the dogshit manna the armchair rags have always guzzled excitedly on), and part by the dawning of the phone-in era with the broadcaster's need for a clown club to laugh at, something that Arsenal, who went nearly 10 years without a trophy from 2004 to 2013, were best placed of the top 4 to don the mantle of. Your assertion that City have not copped for an adverse press these last 10 years is utterly laughable, even without acknowledging the concept of click bait and City's natural defining role as the villains who came along and denied one of the rags, the dippers or the Arse a Chimps League spot every year, and all the wealth and publicity that goes with it.
Joke or serious? I have my thoughts but to actually answer it for you, we where all here and at times, busy watching your lot roll us over with some of the finest football you could ever wish to see but instead of being fucking bitter about it all, we instead chose at one point at Maine Road to virtually give your side a 30,000+ standing ovation.

Your riposte to a pasting was shall we say a little less gracious.....


I remember the 0-5 (or was it 1-5) at Maine Road, when they were 4-0 up after 19 minutes. I was in the temporary corner stand, between the Kippax and the Platt Lane, which applauded as one when St Thierry came over to take a corner in that game. The chances of any of our players, even Spanish Dave, ever getting a sniff of recognition from any fan in a replica red shirt is precisely zero. All smiles and patronising platitudes when they were top dogs. Nowadays, not so much.......
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