all i wanted was a burger

Well, I'm glad you knew what you wanted in KFC, otherwise we'd have a 12-pager called: "all i wanted was 2 zinger tower meals with drinks." Imagine that!
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The 12th Man said:
I work in the catering too and had my first day on Friday. It all went fine on Friday but yesterday I had to put up with grief from people complaining about prices, which really isn't my fault. Then there's people who start changing their mind on stuff after you've keyed it in so you have to cancel the whole order and type in what they really want. Then they get annoyed that you're asking what it is they actually want and start complaining that you're taking ages, I wouldn't be taking so long if they hadn't changed their order and I had to redo it all.

The thing about the burger meal is there's three different buttons, one for a burger meal and one for a just a burger/cheese burger and another for a chicken burger, some people don't realise the burger meal is the burger and chips. They come up and ask for a burger and chips and I say that's the burger meal then they say they don't want a drink and I have to explain it's only a burger and chips in the meal. So some people probably order it thinking it includes a drink which I have to explain that it doesn't. What was probably wrong was the guy didn't know if there were still burgers in the kiosk, the chefs obviously stop making food towards the end of the match as there'd be loads of unneccessary waste at the end.

We also get all the grief if something goes wrong in the making of the food, despite us just being the ones that sell it, some guy got a bit angry with me last night about his food even though I'm not the chef, I'm just the one who sold the food. Someone asked me for onions and I had to ask the chef who was busy doing something for someone else and when I got back with the onions the guy had a go at me for taking a few minutes.

We also have to do a lot of work before the fans get into the stadium and after they've left but some people just think we turn up, sell food and as soon as the shutters are down we're gone, which is not the case at all.

Such is the nature of working in a service role.

My advice to you would be to accept this and grow a thick skin asap. People are occasionally gonna change their minds, and they obv have the right to do that. God knows they're paying enough so they should at least get what they want. Be good if everyone turned up with their order sorted and their cash ready, but that's never going to happen unfortunately. Also, you are the public face of that outlet so you have to take the complaints. It's not your fault, but you have to suck it up, apologise and smile. Again, for the price they're paying if they want a little moan then you have to take it, not pass the buck to the chef. They don't really give a shit who's fault it is, they just want to make it known and you're the only person they can tell at that moment. Can't have them going round the back to tell the chef he burnt the onions or whatever.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you, 12th Man. Just some free advice on how you should approach your role because if you let it get to you it's going to be a long season. You're there for the few hours every other week so just try and keep your chin up and don't take it personally. Good luck.

And the 'none of your business, did i ask your advice, shut up' award for this week goes to ..... me.

With regard to the OP, first day nerves, language issues, confusion about whether there were burgers left or whatever, there's no excuse for just staring back at someone who's trying to be a paying customer. There's ways to communicate 'sorry, you can't have that', 'sorry, there aren't any' or 'sorry, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing' that transcend language barriers and there's no excusing the numpties that have brought us this proposterous thread.
Bloody Hell, are you still going on about this bloody burger. Everyone knows the food and beer is crap and overpriced at footy matches. Take a flask and some butties you old woman.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Goater's Shin said:
The 12th Man said:
I work in the catering too and had my first day on Friday. It all went fine on Friday but yesterday I had to put up with grief from people complaining about prices, which really isn't my fault. Then there's people who start changing their mind on stuff after you've keyed it in so you have to cancel the whole order and type in what they really want. Then they get annoyed that you're asking what it is they actually want and start complaining that you're taking ages, I wouldn't be taking so long if they hadn't changed their order and I had to redo it all.

The thing about the burger meal is there's three different buttons, one for a burger meal and one for a just a burger/cheese burger and another for a chicken burger, some people don't realise the burger meal is the burger and chips. They come up and ask for a burger and chips and I say that's the burger meal then they say they don't want a drink and I have to explain it's only a burger and chips in the meal. So some people probably order it thinking it includes a drink which I have to explain that it doesn't. What was probably wrong was the guy didn't know if there were still burgers in the kiosk, the chefs obviously stop making food towards the end of the match as there'd be loads of unneccessary waste at the end.

We also get all the grief if something goes wrong in the making of the food, despite us just being the ones that sell it, some guy got a bit angry with me last night about his food even though I'm not the chef, I'm just the one who sold the food. Someone asked me for onions and I had to ask the chef who was busy doing something for someone else and when I got back with the onions the guy had a go at me for taking a few minutes.

We also have to do a lot of work before the fans get into the stadium and after they've left but some people just think we turn up, sell food and as soon as the shutters are down we're gone, which is not the case at all.

Such is the nature of working in a service role.

My advice to you would be to accept this and grow a thick skin asap. People are occasionally gonna change their minds, and they obv have the right to do that. God knows they're paying enough so they should at least get what they want. Be good if everyone turned up with their order sorted and their cash ready, but that's never going to happen unfortunately. Also, you are the public face of that outlet so you have to take the complaints. It's not your fault, but you have to suck it up, apologise and smile. Again, for the price they're paying if they want a little moan then you have to take it, not pass the buck to the chef. They don't really give a shit who's fault it is, they just want to make it known and you're the only person they can tell at that moment. Can't have them going round the back to tell the chef he burnt the onions or whatever.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you, 12th Man. Just some free advice on how you should approach your role because if you let it get to you it's going to be a long season. You're there for the few hours every other week so just try and keep your chin up and don't take it personally. Good luck.

And the 'none of your business, did i ask your advice, shut up' award for this week goes to ..... me.

With regard to the OP, first day nerves, language issues, confusion about whether there were burgers left or whatever, there's no excuse for just staring back at someone who's trying to be a paying customer. There's ways to communicate 'sorry, you can't have that', 'sorry, there aren't any' or 'sorry, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing' that transcend language barriers and there's no excusing the numpties that have brought us this proposterous thread.

No no and no. Why should he go to work expecting to get shit of customers?

Most of the punters stand,staring at the menu for a couple of minutes before ordering so have plenty of time to make their minds up.
Also, the price doesn't mean they're entitled to moan. The price is clearly displayed and shouldn't come as a shock to a customer.
The staff sholud not have to take shit from customers, half of who are probably pissed an' all.
maybe the answer would be to give jobs in the outlets to city fans. They would see 80% of the match for free and would be a lot more sympathetic with fans etc! just a thought, student blues would probably love it (if they could get out of bed for the "early" 3pm kick offs )
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

stonerblue said:
Goater's Shin said:
Such is the nature of working in a service role.

My advice to you would be to accept this and grow a thick skin asap. People are occasionally gonna change their minds, and they obv have the right to do that. God knows they're paying enough so they should at least get what they want. Be good if everyone turned up with their order sorted and their cash ready, but that's never going to happen unfortunately. Also, you are the public face of that outlet so you have to take the complaints. It's not your fault, but you have to suck it up, apologise and smile. Again, for the price they're paying if they want a little moan then you have to take it, not pass the buck to the chef. They don't really give a shit who's fault it is, they just want to make it known and you're the only person they can tell at that moment. Can't have them going round the back to tell the chef he burnt the onions or whatever.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you, 12th Man. Just some free advice on how you should approach your role because if you let it get to you it's going to be a long season. You're there for the few hours every other week so just try and keep your chin up and don't take it personally. Good luck.

And the 'none of your business, did i ask your advice, shut up' award for this week goes to ..... me.

With regard to the OP, first day nerves, language issues, confusion about whether there were burgers left or whatever, there's no excuse for just staring back at someone who's trying to be a paying customer. There's ways to communicate 'sorry, you can't have that', 'sorry, there aren't any' or 'sorry, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing' that transcend language barriers and there's no excusing the numpties that have brought us this proposterous thread.

No no and no. Why should he go to work expecting to get shit of customers?

Most of the punters stand,staring at the menu for a couple of minutes before ordering so have plenty of time to make their minds up.
Also, the price doesn't mean they're entitled to moan. The price is clearly displayed and shouldn't come as a shock to a customer.
The staff sholud not have to take shit from customers, half of who are probably pissed an' all.

Because he works in a public service role. Par for the course. Not threats, abuse, swearing, louty drunkeness etc., but as the customer facing employee he's unfortunately going to get some feedback. If you work in Thomas Cook and someone has a complaint about their holiday you should take it. You shouldn't say 'eeyare mate, i dint build the hotel, nowt to do with me', even if that's the truth. I agree the general public could do with being better customers, by and large, and sort their shit out before they get to the till, but stressing out about it isn't going to help. Its the nature of the job. God knows I've done enough customer service jobs to appreciate where 12th Man and you are coming from, I was merely trying to share the mindset I developed from these roles to avoid going home pissed off every night: smile, stay positive, understand that it is what it is and don't let the bastards grind you down.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Bloody Hell, are you still going on about this bloody burger. Everyone knows the food and beer is crap and overpriced at footy matches. Take a flask and some butties you old woman.

Would they allow flasks in to the ground? I recall having the lid taken off the bottle of Coke I was taking in with me once. Not too handy if I want the bottle to last throughout the Match.

I like to have a good feed before the game usually to avoid having to use the services provided inside the ground. It's slow, overpriced and lacking in quality.

Don't like don't use. End of.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

Goater's Shin said:
The 12th Man said:
I work in the catering too and had my first day on Friday. It all went fine on Friday but yesterday I had to put up with grief from people complaining about prices, which really isn't my fault. Then there's people who start changing their mind on stuff after you've keyed it in so you have to cancel the whole order and type in what they really want. Then they get annoyed that you're asking what it is they actually want and start complaining that you're taking ages, I wouldn't be taking so long if they hadn't changed their order and I had to redo it all.

The thing about the burger meal is there's three different buttons, one for a burger meal and one for a just a burger/cheese burger and another for a chicken burger, some people don't realise the burger meal is the burger and chips. They come up and ask for a burger and chips and I say that's the burger meal then they say they don't want a drink and I have to explain it's only a burger and chips in the meal. So some people probably order it thinking it includes a drink which I have to explain that it doesn't. What was probably wrong was the guy didn't know if there were still burgers in the kiosk, the chefs obviously stop making food towards the end of the match as there'd be loads of unneccessary waste at the end.

We also get all the grief if something goes wrong in the making of the food, despite us just being the ones that sell it, some guy got a bit angry with me last night about his food even though I'm not the chef, I'm just the one who sold the food. Someone asked me for onions and I had to ask the chef who was busy doing something for someone else and when I got back with the onions the guy had a go at me for taking a few minutes.

We also have to do a lot of work before the fans get into the stadium and after they've left but some people just think we turn up, sell food and as soon as the shutters are down we're gone, which is not the case at all.

Such is the nature of working in a service role.

My advice to you would be to accept this and grow a thick skin asap. People are occasionally gonna change their minds, and they obv have the right to do that. God knows they're paying enough so they should at least get what they want. Be good if everyone turned up with their order sorted and their cash ready, but that's never going to happen unfortunately. Also, you are the public face of that outlet so you have to take the complaints. It's not your fault, but you have to suck it up, apologise and smile. Again, for the price they're paying if they want a little moan then you have to take it, not pass the buck to the chef. They don't really give a shit who's fault it is, they just want to make it known and you're the only person they can tell at that moment. Can't have them going round the back to tell the chef he burnt the onions or whatever.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you, 12th Man. Just some free advice on how you should approach your role because if you let it get to you it's going to be a long season. You're there for the few hours every other week so just try and keep your chin up and don't take it personally. Good luck.

And the 'none of your business, did i ask your advice, shut up' award for this week goes to ..... me.

With regard to the OP, first day nerves, language issues, confusion about whether there were burgers left or whatever, there's no excuse for just staring back at someone who's trying to be a paying customer. There's ways to communicate 'sorry, you can't have that', 'sorry, there aren't any' or 'sorry, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing' that transcend language barriers and there's no excusing the numpties that have brought us this proposterous thread.

Thanks mate, yeah I totally understand what you're saying and I do understand people can change their mind and so on and are free to have a moan at people there if things aren't going right. I do apologise to people who are annoyed about something and I try to sort it out as quickly and as best as I can and if I can't I go to someone who can and make sure it gets sorted. On Friday some guys were making fun of me and mocking me because one of them gave me the wrong money and I had to stay calm and take it on the chin, it didn't annoy me or anything but someone else could get a bit annoyed when you become some sort of punch bag for no reason. Fair enough if they had a problem and were having a go at me but when they come up to you and start mocking you for no reason someone else could have got a bit annoyed.

But yeah in general there aren't much people complain about anything really, only a very small fraction and I'm not saying they don't have a right to, if something goes wrong they should come and ask us to sort it out for them, at the end of the day it is our job and that's what we're there to do.
Re: all i wanted was a bloody burger

The 12th Man said:
Goater's Shin said:
Such is the nature of working in a service role.

My advice to you would be to accept this and grow a thick skin asap. People are occasionally gonna change their minds, and they obv have the right to do that. God knows they're paying enough so they should at least get what they want. Be good if everyone turned up with their order sorted and their cash ready, but that's never going to happen unfortunately. Also, you are the public face of that outlet so you have to take the complaints. It's not your fault, but you have to suck it up, apologise and smile. Again, for the price they're paying if they want a little moan then you have to take it, not pass the buck to the chef. They don't really give a shit who's fault it is, they just want to make it known and you're the only person they can tell at that moment. Can't have them going round the back to tell the chef he burnt the onions or whatever.

I don't mean this as a criticism of you, 12th Man. Just some free advice on how you should approach your role because if you let it get to you it's going to be a long season. You're there for the few hours every other week so just try and keep your chin up and don't take it personally. Good luck.

And the 'none of your business, did i ask your advice, shut up' award for this week goes to ..... me.

With regard to the OP, first day nerves, language issues, confusion about whether there were burgers left or whatever, there's no excuse for just staring back at someone who's trying to be a paying customer. There's ways to communicate 'sorry, you can't have that', 'sorry, there aren't any' or 'sorry, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing' that transcend language barriers and there's no excusing the numpties that have brought us this proposterous thread.

Thanks mate, yeah I totally understand what you're saying and I do understand people can change their mind and so on and are free to have a moan at people there if things aren't going right. I do apologise to people who are annoyed about something and I try to sort it out as quickly and as best as I can and if I can't I go to someone who can and make sure it gets sorted. On Friday some guys were making fun of me and mocking me because one of them gave me the wrong money and I had to stay calm and take it on the chin, it didn't annoy me or anything but someone else could get a bit annoyed when you become some sort of punch bag for no reason. Fair enough if they had a problem and were having a go at me but when they come up to you and start mocking you for no reason someone else could have got a bit annoyed.

But yeah in general there aren't much people complain about anything really, only a very small fraction and I'm not saying they don't have a right to, if something goes wrong they should come and ask us to sort it out for them, at the end of the day it is our job and that's what we're there to do.

This sums it up for me. They messed up then tried to take the piss out of you. It's like someone said earlier in this thread: the guys giving the grief to staff are usually people who would be getting mercilessly mocked all day if someone followed them round observing every stupid thing they did. You're better than them. For the first few years i worked in jobs like this I was constantly fighting my corner and seeing it as some kind of battle with the condescending/rude/stupid customer, then eventually I realised I'd be so much happier if I just rolled with it. Sounds like you dealt with it well though. Could do with a few more like you behind the counters judging by this thread.

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