'All Or Nothing' - discussion of documentary

Managed the first two episodes last night, very impressed with it so far, early thoughts...

If we are not already, we should be really grateful and proud of our owners and how our club is run, so professional,
Spurs should take note :-)

Pep swears more than I had imagined.

Mendy is a complete star.

Impatiently waiting for the remaining episodes to DL myself, 1 was never going to be enough & I knew this months ago but hoped I could DL them all straight away. Patience

Yeah, he seems to be captured quite a bit cursing although tame as cursing goes IMHO. I don't curse much myself and he's never really struck me as someone who curses even with players, I wonder if this is a language thing or theater. I say the language thing because when it's not your own language it's not the same in terms of how you emphasize points. Or he has simply picked this up along the way after Barcelona, I say this because I've watched his open trainings and interactions with players - even in Spanish or Cataln, I've never remembered him cursing at all. The Puta Jefe thing is the only one that comes to mind and it was so out of character for a person who appeared too unflappable, he was cheered for even cursing that little in the pressy - fans, writers & his players were waiting for him to release some anger & that's the worst he's managed in the time I've observed

Could be England too? Is cursing a big part of the culture? C*nt seems to be popularly used no? But yeah, I was surprised if not bemused by Pep's cursing, it did not feel authentic I have to say. Felt more theater for the camera but who knows
Well I think it is safe to say that was a great bit of telly and one I shall be revisiting a few more times!

Even better than the City! documentary from the early 80’s...:)
PEP: We are not involved in what was put in the All or Nothing documentary. What happened in the moment or the training session, it’s an honest product. After a month we didn’t realise they were there. For us it’s good memories because it was a great season.
It seems the Mirror are creating stories for Liverpool and rags fans by basing them on the different episodes. One on VVD and another on Sanchez.

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