'All Or Nothing' - discussion of documentary

I think he was on the ball there. The security guy was talking about it and Ferran was basically making the point that it was impossible to stop so don't bother

I think you've got that backwards, security guy to me seemed to say if it happens, it happens, and Ferran wanted to be 'vocal to our fans and say this can't happen' / 'have other teams that have won the leage managed to not have an invasion?'
Its been well received on the caf

It’s worse than that, it’s a “city project” to further distance themselves from where the money is coming from. The doc might as well have been called “look at the shiny, shiny”. The city PR campaign is desperate to stop people talking about the human rights abuses that fund the mega stars. Or the cattle proding of former business partners.

This is only the latest example of their PR assault to paint the city franchise as the makings of a footballing empire. The finically times and the guardian having rather long winded articles on why city are so amazing without really digging too deep. There’s no mention of the threads against journalists access to the club and it’s players if they dare to link negative Abu Dhabi news coverage. The men running city are not the right hand man of Mansour, but of the crown prince. That guy with with the cattle prod. And there’s simon Pearce. A PR man who is best described as evils pr man, and he works very very hard to make city look above board. So far he’s put a face on city that seems a nice unassuming businessman, and he’s flooding the media with puff pieces. Makes you wonder what’s next.

It’s a shame that the council have taken the approach to “take the money” from Abu Dhabi which really sullys the good name and reputation of Manchester. A city who’s workers refused to touch cotton picked by slaves in America, even though it cost them. City fans might be happy with winning at the moment, but what their club might end up being will pour cold water on that soon enough.
Just finished, and haven't read this thread, so apologies if a few of my final thoughts have been mentioned before:

- Obviously very well put together and edited, I wish it had been my first All or Nothing, as I knew what to expect, if it had been my first, I expect my head would have exploded.
- Even after watching with subtitles, I've still no clue sometimes what Pep is saying, and what he is getting at - god only knows how some of the players do.
- We suffered some horrendous tackles and injuries last season, making how we achieved what we did even better.
- I wanted Yaya erased from it, but the footage left in showed up his 'Pep is racist' for what it was...bullshit.
- Very interesting to see the execs discussing transfers (Khaldoon "are you serious" re VDV, and the tete a tete between Txiki and that other guy.)
- Ferran continues to be completely out of touch with fans (can we physical stop a pitch invasion?!)
- Disappointing not to see any footage from the Old Trafford tunnel fight, and to have it not even mentioned....
- How the fuck did we throw away that match against the rags? After all the happy feeling, that episode containing Scouse/Rags/Scouse made me fuming again!!
- Delph, Walker and Stones look to be top lads.
- Sergio being lonely and David worrying for his son pulled at the human heartstrings. <3 them both.
- I can't fucking stand Braydon Bent, he gets everywhere.

Also, did anyone notice the facial blurring of the guy that (I think) runs the ELS transport? Even more bizarre that his face was unblurred during the paintball sequence earlier in the season.
The rags wouldn't let us film there
Agree on Braydon,he is getting on my nerves now too
I bet sergio has more women than hot dinners now he is single
Dave stuff was emotional and uplifting at the same time,25weeks and surving doesn't happen very often
I think you've got that backwards, security guy to me seemed to say if it happens, it happens, and Ferran wanted to be 'vocal to our fans and say this can't happen' / 'have other teams that have won the leage managed to not have an invasion?'

Yeah possibly, it does sound odd my way around now that you mention it
I think he was on the ball there. The security guy was talking about it and Ferran was basically making the point that it was impossible to stop so don't bother

Also the only reason they mentioned for wanting to stop it was to not destroy the pitch for the Liverpool game 2 days later.

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