'All Or Nothing' - discussion of documentary

Previously posted to say loved it, watched it again, still love it. Mother in law and two of my best mates are reds and said they loved it too, as near to first team as you're likely to get, quite a few from grassroots football team I'm involved with, none City supporters, have watched it and said it's quality and frightening how intense Pep is. So, on the whole, top ratings from outsiders. A shame that within our own ranks we have 'fans' who expected to see much more, watch, absorb and enjoy. As a season ticket holder since 1984, this is as close to the team as I've ever been, other than watching training at Platt Lane when Kenny Clements and co were a only a wire fence away from me!!! Well done City
Fascinating documentary and more importantly also had good feedback from non City fans who’ve watched it. Who is the guy with the bald head who they seem to want to film in the crowd at every away game?
I’m happy again now, love episode 8 with kompany in his father in laws house! What a great guy kompany is, such an ambassador for the club. I could see him doing punditry after he retires for sky/bt/bbc and we’ll finally have a strong city voice in that environment
I've just finished episode 4 and although I'm enjoying the viewing, hearing Ben Kingsley's sombre voice is beginning to annoy me. He would have been well suited to when we were going through the bad old days, but fuck me, we've won the league playing superb football and breaking records galore and the miserable **** has the charisma of a fuckin' dead squid!

If he doesn't start to cheer up in episode 5 I'm looking for a cut throat razor : /
I've just finished episode 4 and although I'm enjoying the viewing, hearing Ben Kingsley's sombre voice is beginning to annoy me. He would have been well suited to when we were going through the bad old days, but fuck me, we've won the league playing superb football and breaking records galore and the miserable **** has the charisma of a fuckin' dead squid!

If he doesn't start to cheer up in episode 5 I'm looking for a cut throat razor : /
I always think it sounds like he commentating on war of the worlds or something
Care to explain what the Hon Marina Dudley-Williams has in common with the others? I’m sick of this lazy and frankly insulting stereotype that keeps getting trotted out on here that some journalists of Jewish descent (David & Colin I know and they have virtually no connection with their religion that I’m aware of and haven’t for many years) automatically have an issue with Muslims. It’s really very insulting and possibly could be construed as racist.

I’ll call out Islamaphobia if I see it and don’t you dare suggest I’m racist for doing so.
Fascinating documentary and more importantly also had good feedback from non City fans who’ve watched it. Who is the guy with the bald head who they seem to want to film in the crowd at every away game?

He's one of our own. A fellow Bluemooner!
Just watched Ep 4. Had expunged the Alty Tit from recent memory but that episode brought it all back. What a shithouse. And by God, doesn't it look perishing in Minnesota? Any blues have to cope with a winter there?
Me ...enjoying summer now but dreading the life after next 2 months
I’ll call out Islamaphobia if I see it and don’t you dare suggest I’m racist for doing so.
Except the Islamophobia is in your imagination and your tendentious assumption that they're all Jews (which Hyde most certainly isn't, as I pointed out) might be seen to illustrate one of the IHRA examples of antisemitism. 'Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective'. Now I assume you had no malicious intent but it shows how a lazy assertion like that, without any evidence to back it up, feeds prejudice. If it's not challenged then people may assume Jews hate our owners but we have many Jewish fans and at least two Jewish directors, none of whom have a problem.

Don't take it personally; every time I see someone post something like that I'm going to challenge it.

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