Already kicked off in Poznan.

in the spirit of this thread - the man himself Danny D is coming to Edinburgh on Sunday to film for his next series of The Real Football Factory
running with the Hibs casuals
Glazers_Wallet said:
Pigeonho said:
Sounds about right for Eastern Europe. Then of course you have our lot who, if the post above is to be believed, just went there and gave it them anyway like a group of pissed up thuds. Classy eh?. I'm glad i'm sat here in my nice warm house, and not in some cold bar somewhere in poland as, (again if true), there maybe a little bit of retribution going on later me thinks, and it doesn't look like these Polish do things by half.

you lot are makin it out as if the city lads who have gone over there cant handle them selves.

Thats what he does. Always.
Arry is Bent said:
Bluemanc1968 said:
Just had a text of a mate out in Posnan! 11.06 and the police have barracaded a bar full of blues in and the polish hoolies are trying to smash the way into the bar! bottles glass's chairs tables kitchen sink being thrown between the two groups, he said in his text that since the game finished the posnan fans have been targeting blues all night around the city, now my mate is with his mrs and she is absolutely terrified and he is not into anything like fighting at matches! why don't these twats pick on the right sort of people who are up for it! sounds pretty bad! yet the english are branded the ''animals'' and yet these fuckers get away with attacking normal football fans, I know there must be some city lads out there looking for mither and I know the english have had there moments on there travels, but in my opinion it seems that english fans are being targeted more and more on the european road, and something should be done about it!
= a family of four just had an argument.


Tool doesn't do you justice<br /><br />-- Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:02 pm --<br /><br />
Boots_ said:
SWP's back said:
Thats what he does. Always.

He's almost as bad as that johnmc isn't he?

No - I like Pidge very much but he is the first to jump on city fans if there is any trouble.

(ps - I understand that you were being ironic and funny, oh how I laughed)
Ultras are not hooligans and beside Lech Poznan fans are out of this world they're so loyal and proud. They aren't like english fans who sing when they're winning when they were losing 3 1 they were still louder than City fans. When they went to Turin they made Juventus fans sound like Fulham. There the most impressive fans I've ever seen, classic English supporters see the acts of idiots as a reflection on their supporters. On the other hand Napoli fans were bloody awfully behaved yesterday.
standupefc said:
Ultras are not hooligans and beside Lech Poznan fans are out of this world they're so loyal and proud. They aren't like english fans who sing when they're winning when they were losing 3 1 they were still louder than City fans. When they went to Turin they made Juventus fans sound like Fulham. There the most impressive fans I've ever seen, classic English supporters see the acts of idiots as a reflection on their supporters. On the other hand Napoli fans were bloody awfully behaved yesterday.
i take it that you didn't watch football when we had standing terraces then because there were some pretty good atmospheres in English grounds then, ours being as good as most
There were two main pubs that City were in on Wednesday Bee Jays and Londoner. There was a few words going round about groups of about 3 pr 4 City fans being surrounded by Poznan fans on Wednesday night, but I didn't see anything.

Was stood outside Londoners at about 10ish, and what I thought was about 20 of there fans came over and smacked a few blues, resulting in a few bottles and pint glasses being thrown from the pub outside. My partner in crime ended up having to have stitches in his head. The police came in and the Poles scattered. Heard a few other things about what happened throughout the night, ie one blue getting battered by about 4 of them and waking up in a gutter at 6 in the morning with bruises all over him.

On Thursday about 15 Poznan fans walked through the square, so City fans poured out the pub and started a bit of 'Manchester la la la' just to scare em off!

Didn't see anything else for the rest of the trip, but the police there were the most menacing things I\ve ever seen. I swear they had AK47s outside the ground. Everyone there is massive. Like fucking massive. Got back to the square after the game at about 11ish, and there was loads of them about, and you could feel the tension in the air, so we fucked off back to the Ibis and caused havoc in their! Heard about the previous said attack on the pub, but don't think it was too bad, just a bit scary for blues.

Everywhere you went they were gazing at you full on, intimidating as fuck. And it's a fucking dive. However, every bit of food I had out there was incredible!
The coppers were arse holes, really ignorant, pushed a couple of girls out the way in the Londoner and they were nearly floored by em! The ones at the ground were very intimidating, huge guns on show and all balaclavad up with full riot gear! A group of Poznan came in the place we were eating and they looked like they were after trouble, maybe the same group outside the Londoner
Storm in a tea cup, was not too bad. It was a city fan that threw the glass it went straight into another city fan!!! stupid.Then Chinese whispers fly round that a pole threw the glass which is a lie.
Didn't see a spot of bother, we ended up going on the piss with a group of about 8 of them, went round a few bars and a club. Sound group of lads.

Their gonna have a few nobs, but in the main there the best group of fans I've come across

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