Already kicked off in Poznan.

What a load of bollocks. We're returning home after 3 days in Poznan and apart from a few stories about a couple of minor scuffles didn't see a hint of trouble. Poznan fans on the whole were well behaved. Great trip
just got back from poznan, didn't see any trouble at all and we were in the Old Square all night last night.
Riot police were in force, and looked pretty intimidating - loads of them...
liamctid said:
There were two main pubs that City were in on Wednesday Bee Jays and Londoner. There was a few words going round about groups of about 3 pr 4 City fans being surrounded by Poznan fans on Wednesday night, but I didn't see anything.

Was stood outside Londoners at about 10ish, and what I thought was about 20 of there fans came over and smacked a few blues, resulting in a few bottles and pint glasses being thrown from the pub outside. My partner in crime ended up having to have stitches in his head. The police came in and the Poles scattered. Heard a few other things about what happened throughout the night, ie one blue getting battered by about 4 of them and waking up in a gutter at 6 in the morning with bruises all over him.

On Thursday about 15 Poznan fans walked through the square, so City fans poured out the pub and started a bit of 'Manchester la la la' just to scare em off!

Didn't see anything else for the rest of the trip, but the police there were the most menacing things I\ve ever seen. I swear they had AK47s outside the ground. Everyone there is massive. Like fucking massive. Got back to the square after the game at about 11ish, and there was loads of them about, and you could feel the tension in the air, so we fucked off back to the Ibis and caused havoc in their! Heard about the previous said attack on the pub, but don't think it was too bad, just a bit scary for blues.

Everywhere you went they were gazing at you full on, intimidating as fuck. And it's a fucking dive. However, every bit of food I had out there was incredible!

I'm of Polish descent and I'm a big lad (6foot5 and 20stone). And I have a lot of family who are big lads, two uncles who are proper big gym heads and are 6foot4. Menacing! Must be something in our genes!

There aren't many times I walk into a room and I'm not the biggest person in there. I do actually think as an island race us British are a tiny lot, like 5foot9 is normal, over 6foot and you're classed as tall here! In places like America, Germany and said Polska I'd just blend in!

Point two, Polski schlep is awsome isn't it? I love Kabanas (Polish sausage); lovely jubbly!
Apart from the bit of trouble in the Londoner bar i didn't see any other mither anywhere but i wasn't going out of my way looking for it. I was out on the street at 2-00 this morning drinking cans of beer with a group of six Polish lads and we just chatted about football in general and everything was amicable.
Got back today from Spikes trip and saw nothing whatsoever. Drank all Weds and Thurs up to kick off in the Square. Was in BJs saw nothing was in Londoner saw nothing, most of there fans were sound that we saw. There were some City fans being dicks so when this started we moved pubs cos you knew something would happen. If you wanted it I think you could you have had it but if you were there for a good time a few beers and the game you could have avoided easily. Top trip shit game.
As someone mentioned before there is a strict code of conduct among hooligans in Poland. Especially Lech fans did implement such a code which includes: no rioting on a ground or in a city (no matter home or away) because later it cost beloved club money. Simple. Also fights between "firms" gone underground because of CCTV, undercover police officers, filming fans attending stadiums etc. "Appointments" are made by the phone, place of action is secluded. Any weapons (knifes, baseball bats etc.) are prohobited during that kind of fight. Just bare hands. Number of fighting people on the both sides is equal.
For some (maybe most) of you it may sound strange/stupid but for these guys it`s a way to compete with each other. No accidental people there, only intetested sides.
People looking for a fight in pub/street/bus etc. are mostly drunk idiots who represents only themselfes and those kind of behaviour you can find anywhere. You can also expect that if you have thousands of fans (home and away) concentrated in relatively small area incidents may occur.
Bluemanc1968 said:
Just had a text of a mate out in Posnan! 11.06 and the police have barracaded a bar full of blues in and the polish hoolies are trying to smash the way into the bar! bottles glass's chairs tables kitchen sink being thrown between the two groups, he said in his text that since the game finished the posnan fans have been targeting blues all night around the city, now my mate is with his mrs and she is absolutely terrified and he is not into anything like fighting at matches! why don't these twats pick on the right sort of people who are up for it! sounds pretty bad! yet the english are branded the ''animals'' and yet these fuckers get away with attacking normal football fans, I know there must be some city lads out there looking for mither and I know the english have had there moments on there travels, but in my opinion it seems that english fans are being targeted more and more on the european road, and something should be done about it!

There were a group that ran at a pub and were quickly cleared. The most were swapping scarfs and singing songs with/at us in a good natured manner.

To be fair, most of City stayed together whilst to and from the ground, and they were not attacked or anything.
Didn't see any trouble myself, and was in the old square all Wednesdy and Thursday night. All the Poznan fans we met were sound, and special mention to my taxi driver. Dropped my wallet in the taxi back to the hotel on Wednesday night, and was absolutely gutted. The following morning he turned up at the hotel reception with it, with all money and cards still in there. Fair play to him, an absolute gent.
Ric said:
Didn't see any trouble myself, and was in the old square all Wednesdy and Thursday night. All the Poznan fans we met were sound, and special mention to my taxi driver. Dropped my wallet in the taxi back to the hotel on Wednesday night, and was absolutely gutted. The following morning he turned up at the hotel reception with it, with all money and cards still in there. Fair play to him, an absolute gent.

Fucking ell thats really good of him mate. Miss Poland already :(

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