Altercation at Terminal 2

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What is the point of courts, then, if police officers can just determine, in the moment, whether someone deserves to be beaten to an inch of their life after they have already been lawfully incapacitated/subdued, effectively passing judgement and sentence?

Do you support police beating you if you are pissed and gob off toward one of them after a match? If not, why not?
Let's all live in a police state where they decide who gets a good kicking or not. Brain damage first, interrogation next.
I'm not up to speed on this. It's being reported as a racially motivated police attack.
Can i ask how this is racially motivated?
Are will going to see riots over this from other Asians just because they were Asians?

If a person complies, no escalation takes place.
Start acting the big man and the force applied will multiply.
Punch a Police officer and all bets are now off.

Although i would say it did seems excessive on the edited short clip i've seen. I don't have the full story and can only say that once a fight breaks out, it is now a "combat" situation normal rules no longer apply.

I agree with you that compliance in this instance and we'd never be talking about it.

I'd like to see other people getting similar if they genuinely stepped out of line with the police and assaulted them (and I am not a fan of the police). And there's far more scummy fuckers deserving of it just round the corner from my house who have lived here since birth. But there is a line, and this cop crossed it with the shackles already on them. Racially motivated? Not a chance. But everything these days involves picking a side and moaning.
If anything it gives people the opportunity to use current buzz words like proportionate and robust.
Your source for your claim is what?
It's all over sky news. Family solicitor update said brain scan shows a cyst or something. Whether that is caused by this they didn't say but perhaps said cyst was made worse by being twatted in the head? Solicitor stated as much.

All going nicely for a big claim.
You can reserve the right to do so as a personal freedom, but you will still be met with the legal consequences for doing so, as this police officer will.
If I was defending someone who had been kicked in the head I'd reserve the right to do the same especially if was a member of my family, I'd not even bother about the consequences, saving my family member would be paramount.
Let's all live in a police state where they decide who gets a good kicking or not. Brain damage first, interrogation next.

Accidentally run a light? Nothing a good few whacks to head with a club can’t prevent in the future.

Accused of stealing something from a store? Beating first then verify if you actually stole something, just in case.

Forget to settle your taxes? Several officers will be round to break one of your fingers each week until you are fully paid.

Get in to brawl at the pub with some rag dickheads and then accidentally throw an elbow in to an officer when they they try to pull you away? Time for a brief coma to set you straight!
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