Altercation at Terminal 2

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If only the police had done this at the arena, I’ve no problem whatever the colour of skin . Might as well not have police at airports if this is the reaction , why do people make out it’s racist.
The appropriate thing for an armed officer at the arena seeing someone with a heavy backpack with wires coming out of it would have been a bullet to the head to try and prevent him triggering the device. Any sort of physical altercation wouldn’t have helped.
Turns out the guy kicked in the head has deteriated , he is from a policing family and are not criminals , update from police
Think that's an update from their solicitor rather than the police.
Did you see the whole incident ?
What could the assailant have done to justify the police officer kicking and stomping on their head whilst they were incapacitated lying facedown on the floor?

Forcefully incapacitating, subduing, and restraining are absolutely warranted and lawful in this situation. But one of the officers, who has since been suspended pending investigation, went beyond lawful use of force, and thus should be held accountable for doing so.

The other police officers, at least from the videos and reports I have seen, seemed to handle things lawfully, even given the relatively extreme circumstances, and I would say they should not be held responsible for that single officer’s behaviour as they did not have the opportunity to intervene given the speed at which his unlawful use of force unfolded.

This was seemingly an instance of many good cops and one very bad cop.
If you want to defend people attacking armed police at an airport - you carry on doing so.

Would she have a broken nose if the 2 pricks had just behaved?

How would you feel if your sister or daughter got a broken nose doing her job?
How would you feel if your brother or son was kicked in the head and stamped on by a police officer?
Na, you've no idea what the guy did to his colleague, I'd absolutely defend my right to take physical retribution of any kind if someone had assaulted my family or friends, in the heat of the moment preservation takes over.
You can reserve the right to do so as a personal freedom, but you will still be met with the legal consequences for doing so, as this police officer will.
If you want to defend people attacking armed police at an airport - you carry on doing so.

Would she have a broken nose if the 2 pricks had just behaved?

How would you feel if your sister or daughter got a broken nose doing her job?
He wasn't attacking armed police, though...he was lying face down on the ground. Big difference.
If you want to defend people attacking armed police at an airport - you carry on doing so.

Would she have a broken nose if the 2 pricks had just behaved?

How would you feel if your sister or daughter got a broken nose doing her job?
What is the point of courts, then, if police officers can just determine, in the moment, whether someone deserves to be beaten to an inch of their life after they have already been lawfully incapacitated/subdued, effectively passing judgement and sentence?

Do you support police beating you unconscious, potentially to the point of entering a coma, if you are pissed and gob off toward one of them after a match? Or throw a swing when they approach? If not, why not?
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