Altercation at Terminal 2

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Solicitor just said this level of police brutality has never been seen before.

He looks about 30, so the police in the 70s/80s is clearly something he missed out on. Even the 90s to an extent.

What an extremely naive thing to say.
Your right its their job to neutralise the threat. They did this but some smacked arses can't stomach what it takes to stop a number of attackers. They took the decision not to use lethal force, a mistake in my mind their wireless hole punchers should be smoking and Back home for tea and biscuits

From the video there seemed little threat from a guy face down on the floor with his hands near behind him.

Nor from his brother who was sat with his hands in the air.
Solicitor just said this level of police brutality has never been seen before.

He looks about 30, so the police in the 70s/80s is clearly something he missed out on. Even the 90s to an extent.

What an extremely naive thing to say.
Plenty of examples....Orgreave, any football matches back then, suss laws, battered after being pissed up and scrapping in nightclubs, the list is endless
Absolutely disgusting that a policeman could carry out such violence in full view of the public.

Did you see the policewoman in absolute tears and heaving at what she'd just witnessed.

This **** needs feeding to the lions, what he did was embarrassing but not surprising. He obviously has racist undertones flowing through his veins.

I'd expect the shithouse to be hanging from somewhere soon as he'll not have the balls to face the public and the prosecution.

Good old British coppers eh.
Plenty of examples....Orgreave, any football matches back then, suss laws, battered after being pissed up and scrapping in nightclubs, the list is endless
A lad I knew around 1995 was battered to the point of broken ribs by some dibble who bundled him into the back of a van. Granted he’d been a wanker but still. The old school police loved it.
If they’d just stabbed or raped them fucking too right, maybe if people didn’t feel so let down these days by the system then doing stuff like this wouldn’t happen. The copper will be sacked no doubt and probably get a suspended sentence fuck all will happen to the others they will no doubt be portrayed as the victims.
And this is why you and I don’t get to be the judge or sit on the jury when those that have wronged us are on trial.

I am a pacifist (and humanist). And I can barely even move my fingers now, much less punch someone. Most of this was written via an eye tracking system (which I have thankfully become quite good at).

But would I be willing to kill someone if I thought it was them or the lives of my family, absolutely. In any way I could, regardless if I could move. And I would have to face the ramifications, including legal consequences, for doing so, especially if I severely injured or killed the person even after they were no longer a threat to my family.

The logical extension of your stance is supporting people going around and severely injuring or murdering people who have stabbed or raped your loved ones in the past (as they are in a similar position of not being a present threat to your or them). And I don’t think you actually condone that, do you?

And do you really want the police deciding what the appropriate punishment is in these situations, rather than a court, either? Because that was what the police officer was doing when he kicked and stomped the incapacitated assailant lying facedown on the floor.

I go back to an earlier hypothetical: do you support the police beating you to within an inch of your life after being incapacitated by taser because you got in a fight with some rag dickheads after a match and then accidentally threw an elbow in to an officer as they tried to pull you away?

They could not know your intent, that you did not mean to hit them, so based on your stance they have every right kick and stomp your head whilst you lay facedown unconscious on the floor, correct?
Absolutely disgusting that a policeman could carry out such violence in full view of the public.

Did you see the policewoman in absolute tears and heaving at what she'd just witnessed.

This **** needs feeding to the lions, what he did was embarrassing but not surprising. He obviously has racist undertones flowing through his veins.

I'd expect the shithouse to be hanging from somewhere soon as he'll not have the balls to face the public and the prosecution.

Good old British coppers eh.
The drama queen award is definitely heading your way.
Solicitor just said this level of police brutality has never been seen before.

He looks about 30, so the police in the 70s/80s is clearly something he missed out on. Even the 90s to an extent.

What an extremely naive thing to say.
All part of the con act.

Simply adding a bit of fuel to the rentamob scum outside the police station, and bumping up the compensation claim of course.
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