Altercation at Terminal 2

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I appreciate you posting this in good faith.

If true, along with the video, I think the assailants will receive very severe charges, as well as the officer that got back up and kicked/stomped the assailant that was laying facedown on the floor. The reports and video other officers acted lawfully and courageously given the circumstances throughout and likely deserve commendation.

And, again, if all true, I think that would be the correct outcome.

Before I read it all at the start it says would I support the police beating us within an inch of our lives, just with it being this thread do you mean beating us within an inch of our lives or kicking us in the face leaving us with no visible marks or hospital stay required?

If it’s the latter and I’d twatted a female copper breaking her nose, twatted another female copper a few times and knocked a male copper unconscious while my mate beat him round the back of the head then yes I support it

I think if you ever behave like that you should get a good kick in the face
Before I read it all at the start it says would I support the police beating us within an inch of our lives, just with it being this thread do you mean beating us within an inch of our lives or kicking us in the face leaving us with no visible marks or hospital stay required?

If it’s the latter and I’d twatted a female copper breaking her nose, twatted another female copper a few times and knocked a male copper unconscious while my mate beat him round the back of the head then yes I support it

I think if you ever behave like that you should get a good kick in the face
I took out that bit because I realised it was unnecessary. But the premise would have been the police beating causing a hospital stay.

And it was just meant to present a situation that, on the surface, would seem very similar to this one, but was in fact no where near as serious, and illustrate that I doubt many people on here would say it was fine for the police to nearly kill them over it.
Absolutely disgusting that a policeman could carry out such violence in full view of the public.

Did you see the policewoman in absolute tears and heaving at what she'd just witnessed.

This **** needs feeding to the lions, what he did was embarrassing but not surprising. He obviously has racist undertones flowing through his veins.

I'd expect the shithouse to be hanging from somewhere soon as he'll not have the balls to face the public and the prosecution.

Good old British coppers eh.
what a vile take.

the police woman is not in tears because of the 'police brutality'.

as for advocating the officer kills himself, as someone who managed an officer who took his own life, you are a ****.
Thanks for the reply.

Can I just say "your place of work" has to be tailored for possibilities.

One doesn't need armed police at a GPs, a dentist or childcare. Assaults happen in these places and that's where you can credibly say "you cannot justify being assaulted at your place of work-it is not merely an expected consequence" and I would completely agree with you.

They are armed in a place they could encounter a terrorist, so that counters the point you make.

I worked in night clubs and I had to be ready to except violent episodes.

I would say these officers were too relaxed about incidents never happening, so when it did happen they lost control.

Not sure how they would have countered the malaise though, unless regularly switching the teams out so they would be more alert on any given day.
You’d have to find a dentist first. And no ****’s getting past the receptionist at the GP.
Again, you can understand why he did it from a human perspective. But it was still wrong and so he’ll face the consequences just like any of us would if we had done without being a police officer.
He didn't deserve to be knocked out himself if the other reports are true.
He could argue he was concussed and dazed when he come round and acted on instinct to subdue the man.
I would say he just lost his head though. But a thorough investigation will sort this out later.

I still don't get why this is any other asian/muslim man's business.
This wasn't a police attack targeted at asians/muslims. It just happened to involve some.
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