Altercation at Terminal 2

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the amount of keyboard Lee Andersons on here are embarrassing
I am not sure many in the thread have actually thought completely through the implications of what they are saying.

If they want a preview of what can be expected, look back in our history of policing, or look to the present of American policing.

By the by, the US has some of the highest rates of violent crime—even non-gun related—in the developed world despite the very common extreme tactics by police that so many on here are advocating for.
There is a new video of the ‘solicitor’ and Fahir (who took one to the chops) outside Oldham hospital. Hes pleading with the NHS to get a doctor to see his ‘client’ as a matter of urgency. Fahir is stood next to him looking right as rain. It ends with the ‘solicitor’ doing some kind of tik tok point to the camera like what the fonz would do.

What the fuck.
Get in the queue like everyone else.
There is a new video of the ‘solicitor’ and Fahir (who took one to the chops) outside Oldham hospital. Hes pleading with the NHS to get a doctor to see his ‘client’ as a matter of urgency. Fahir is stood next to him looking right as rain. It ends with the ‘solicitor’ doing some kind of tik tok point to the camera like what the fonz would do.

What the fuck.
They got a taxi home and then called an ambulance. All for social media views you would assume. Taxi straight to hospital would be my choice
No not if they lose their temper no that would be a hundred times a day
In cases where they’re dealing with people beating them up then that’s when I think they should be allowed
Not just if they lose their temper

Cleared that up hopefully
The guy was incapacitated on the floor. By this time, any action from that cop was for revenge. Not good at all. It doesn't matter what happened before...the cop should still act professional and not like someone that's escaped from a mental institute.
We all hate paedos and rapists, but we know the police can't beat them up and give them brain damage BEFORE they interview them.
what a vile take.

the police woman is not in tears because of the 'police brutality'.

as for advocating the officer kills himself, as someone who managed an officer who took his own life, you are a ****.
Whatever mate.
A policeman kicking someone in the face and stamping on their head when they're pinned down is the biggest shithouse thing a shithouse can do.

Rather be a **** than a shithouse.

Where is him acting responsibly in the public eye? Yes use force by all means but booting someone in the face full on with steel toe capped boots on whilst they are pinned down is a shithouse.

And we've all known people who have took their own life, why you've thrown that into the mix is odd. I think this officer who has kicked the lad won't have the balls to face the music. Just my opinion. Maybe he might come out all guns blazing. Whatever happens he's made the police force, whom I have the greatest of respect for by the way as they get to deal with proper lowlifes and put themselves in danger everytime they go on the beat, look like racist cowards.

Great example to set for the kids, as if there isn't enough shite going on in the world, this clown does this.
Kicking someone, prone on the floor, in the head can never be justified in any way. And then to stamp on him is unbelievable regardless of what went on before it.

Be lucky if he doesn’t lose his job and end up inside himself.
You’re quoting a post from 24 hours ago. I hadn’t posted on here today as there isn’t much to add as of yet. Just lots of bravado.

My gut feeling is that he used disproportionate force, but that we can’t know for sure until full context is known and I’ll stand by that.

There’s lots of he said, she said, going around. None of which is properly sourced, so we’re no further on today than we were last night, really.

The policeman has been rightly suspended pending the IOPC inquiry and the others have been charged and bailed.

Both sides could well end up in court, but that is pendent on the CCTV and witness statements.

The whole thing needs cooling down and moving on from until the information is known.
The whole thing needs cooling down and moving on from until the information is known.

I haven't commented on the thread so far, as I've no idea what/how/why it started, but now this solicitor is spouting on the bbc, it's certainly not helping things, nor is that prick Anderson helping by effectively saying they deserved it, when he knows about the same as I do, both are deliberately stirring up tensions.

There is only one thing that can be said, the police officer wasn't acting within the law, and rightfully has been suspended, but like anyone else, he still deserves fair treatment, and eventually, a fair pounishment.
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