Aly Cissokho

I'm not a Kolarov hater, but if we are in for a new left back I'd far rather this guy than Baines tbh.
YESSSS! Fookin thrilled if true. He's like a more refined Micah Richards, and a hell of a better crosser. He likes to send lots of early crosses.

Stronger and has more pace than Micah from what I've seen!
Weren't we in for Vertonghen .. I know he is not natural LB .. He is versatile

If Cissokho comes , maybe we won't need any other Defender .., If Boateng leaves maybe then other CB .. ?
Has everyone given up on Kolarov already so? The lad was in his first season in a new league and had injury problems all year. I really don't see the point in splashing out another 15mil on a replacement left back who won't be significantly better than Kola was last season.... and both Baines and Cissokho are no better than he was last season, and are poorer players when all are at the top of their game.

As for those giving out about Kolarov shooting a lot, that is half the reason he is rated so highly and why we signed him. I say give the lad until xmass at least. We are seriously jumping the gun looking to replace him already.

If all we want is cover then sign a kid or someone who can cover a few positions like Vertonghen. Cissokho or Baines would be a serious waste of money.
Just to put everyone's minds at rest this guy is phenomenal on FIFA 11 ;)
The ONE thing that I don't like about this guy that I pointed out in the Sanchez thread yesterday he's not the most technical lad. Is his technique bad? Not by any means, but it can leave some more to be desired.

He makes up for it by his immense strength, pace, and good crossing ability.

This lad is a warrior.

You can tell I'm happy.

+1 For the black folks. ;)

EDIT: Will he displace Kolarov? I think easily. Yes, easily. He will do this to Kolarov:
jjeangi said:
YESSSS! Fookin thrilled if true. He's like a more refined Micah Richards, and a hell of a better crosser. He likes to send lots of early crosses.

Stronger and has more pace than Micah from what I've seen!
Really? Is that even possible? Micah is as strong and fast as a NFL linebacker.
@Dax, I believe so mate. Honestly do. Atleast on the strength part, maybe pace is debatable. But even then once he runs, he runs. His pace is pretty explosive, like a train..Very Micah-esque you could say. He's the better footballer though, in my opinion.

I've got some matches saved if you want to give us your expert analysis after watching. You know i love you Dax :P
Dax777 said:
Tricky_Trev said:
Does Cissokho refrain from shooting from impossible angles and distances, when there are options all around him? If so, sign him up.
This is almost certain. Cissokho is not as brainless as Kola. Kola averages 1.5 shots a game, That is 3rd only behind Tevez and Balotelli at City. Cissohko is 20th on Lyon in shots a game. Averaging 0.20 per game (i.e 1 every 5 games.) This suggests he shows some discretion in selection.


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