An apology - P12 British tourist dies after being struck by helicopter rotor blades

Apparently, the rear blade can be rotating for up to two minutes after the engine has been switched off. And there's no automatic lock on the doors, to keep them locked until the Blades have stopped.
I’m sorry I hadn’t realised it was the rear blades. I withdraw my thoughts.

p.s. I am sympathetic to the boy and his family RIP, but was concerned about the pilot as well.
I’m sorry I hadn’t realised it was the rear blades. I withdraw my thoughts.
I'm just assuming here. I could be totally wrong. The article I linked to earlier suggested that the victim walked towards the rear of the helicopter, without realising that the "blades" were rotating. Isn't the main blade generally above head height, apart from the very tallest people?
I'm just assuming here. I could be totally wrong. Isn't the main blade generally above head height, apart from the very tallest people?

If the helicopter is parked on or next to a hill, never exit upslope as you may come in contact with the rotor system above your head. It is good practice to crouch while exiting the helicopter if the rotors are turning.
Many helicopter rotor systems can dip well below 6 feet from the ground level, which can potentially contact a person or object on the ground. Never carry anything above your head such as an umbrella while walking under the rotor system.
So sad and it's tragic no matter if he was a bit lax taking care. We've all done daft things when young. He probably just misjudged the distance and got hit. I remember being ashore in winter in Montreal when I was in the navy. It was at least -20 degrees and gone 1:00am in the morning. We were all pissed and edged our way around a precarious ledge to get back to the ship as it saved quite a walk. One slip and we'd have fallen into the freezing St Lawrence River and died. We knew the danger but risked it anyway. Madness of youth.
Come on dude. The worst thing the young lad did was to try and take a selfie from a moment he was likely excited about. Silly?Yes probably so. Going on a football forum to specifically state your lack of sympathy of his death? Not Cool man. Lets be better than that.
I kind of agree. Sort of why I posted the thread to see if I am a twat.

Turns out that I am.

But still, just to compound my error, isn't it rather obvious to be careful when getting out of a helicopter?

I'll apologise and leave it there .
Need to see the article you read to make an informed judgement on it. What I read told me that Greek police had made arrests on suspicion of negligent homicide. Sounds like you may be being a bit unkind there mate
Could be, I have apologised for my insensitivity already so I shall refrain from comment.
So because he was trying to take a photo of himself then you have no sympathy for a young lad being killed in pretty horrific circumstances.
Tad harsh that mate to be honest.
Yes, I think I was being harsh.

My lack of sympathy was not due to the selfie but the fact he walked into the rotor blades of the helicopter he had just alighted from.

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